Every time I mount up while having a guild tabard equipped, my belt disappears.
Equipping a guild tabard causes my belt to disappear.
Equipping any other tabard, (Tabard of the Protector for example), my belt stays visible.
I’ve also heard that people are having their belts disappear when they die with the tabard equipped.
I can confirm that belts disappear while wearing the guild tabard. You can get them to briefly reappear by removing the belt and then re-equipping it, but it will visually disappear again upon mounting or any sort of loading screen. With some outfits it can be extremely jarring.
I’ve already logged a post on this, but please note its not just the guild tabard, try a few different tabards on different characters to get an idea of the inconsistency on how this is behaving. The guild tabard does impact the belt displaying on all of my characters…, but for example the scarlet tabard has the same effect on my Druid, (belt constantly disappearing),… but on my Hunter the scarlet tabard is fine and the belt remains displaying at all times ? Any update @ Bliz?
I was about to make a post on this. I am new to BC Classic or classic in general and it keeps happening on my low level as well as my newly boosted shaman. I even bought a different belt just to see if that was the issue and i still look naked in the middle image posted of the issue with arrow https://twitter.com/ReikCragshot/status/1402438265043664902?s=20
Yep. Definitely happening with my tabard and belt.
As soon as I re-equip my tabard, I get a nice big streak of flesh around my mid-riff like I’m wearing a tabard belly shirt. Rather amusing.
Still no word on this anywhere unfortunately.
I noticed in Aglaica’s twitter link someone mentioned ElvUI, but I tried disabling ElvUI and it did not make a difference.