FIXED! - 18 Jan 2022
Tabards seem to cause belts to not show on some characters. There are a couple of ways to reproduce this:
- Unequipping tabard (all?)
- Equipping a tabard (only sometimes or specific ones i.e guild)
- Mounting (Only if tabard equip makes belt disapear?)
- Taking flight path (same as mounting)
- Previewing tabard on character
Unequipping belt and re-equipping seems to make it visible again but will disappear after mounting.
Link to other thread aswell
Same issue, belt having to un-equip and re-equip it.
Same issue. I can un-equip and re-equip, or swap with another belt, but it doesn’t stay fixed.
Bump. Still an issue. Seems to be with guild tabards only?
Bumping. Still an issue, and we still haven’t received any communication from Blizzard.
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Bump. Still looks ridiculous.
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bump still an issue lmao…
How much longer are you going to ignore this?
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Still not visible, been almost a year with this bug…
The salt in the wound is that they HOTFIXED THIS ON SEASON OF MASTERY. They just don’t care about BCC.
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Has Blizz ever acknowledged this? Do they intend to ever fix it? How long has it been broken?
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Bump still an issue in TBCC, to be honest its not even embarrassing anymore its just impressive how long its been without a fix. Outstanding job Blizzard!
First appeared in TBC Pre-patch on May 18, close to 9 months now
What a shame
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