Behavior warning for boosting

You sound serioulsy hurt over being reported.

Its a function of the feedback forum, general discussion isnt looked at by game devs.

I mean if you believe that any action taken against your account is automated then there is no helping you.

I wish you the best of luck selling your carries, posting them every 5 mins and only in the trade services channel.


You can submit feedback and suggestions for improving World of Warcraft in one of two places:

  • Our community forums.
  • Using the in-game “Submit Feedback” option that is found on the Support menu.
    1. Press the Esc key to open the Game Menu, and click Support.
    2. Click Submit feedback or bug report.
    3. Click Submit a suggestion.
    4. Follow the guidelines on the submission form, and enter your suggestion.
    5. Click Submit.

it is automated.

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Welcome to the General Discussion forum! This forum is here to provide you with a friendly environment where you can discuss all aspects of World of Warcraft with other players.

Please dont post in general discussion expecting to pass feedback onto game devs.

You would find a greater chance of having a discussion with game devs surrounding trade chat boost spam in the customer support forums.

The Customer Support forum cultivates a beneficial relationship between our support departments and player community by providing a friendly environment where players can exchange information, access self-help resources, discuss in-game issues, and receive meaningful guidance through personal and fun interactions with Blizzard representatives.

The representatives who staff this forum are dedicated to providing our players with the information and resources necessary to help ensure in-game experiences are as [EPIC] as possible. As part of this effort, visitors of this forum can expect to find a host of information pertaining to in-game and account issues.

You dont know the difference between a temp squealch thats designed to prevent further disruption to other players (prevents you from damaging their game experience with your spam) and a permant mark on your account. Every single squealch is investigated by a person and action is either taken or removed. The only thing thats automated is the tool that prevents spammers from degrading the quality of the game further.


For being sassy and sarcastic? Sorry, that’s not a behavior problem.


That’s because this blight is one of the reasons wow is in decline. While some players are of course willing to pay to have people run them through things many, and I would wager the vast majority, see this as a terrible and vile practice exemplifying everything wrong with the modern video game industry.

Short term, you get some gold.
Long term, you help normalize RMT.

And in WoW if you don’t like something you report it and automation takes care of it because they don’t hire enough QA staff, and what they do have is underpaid and likely doesn’t care.

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You know devs have replied directly in general post forums in the past. I’m not even trying to give feedback or reach the devs. I’m not sure what you read but my post is clearly addressing the community. You are clearly not living in reality so its pointless to try to convince you.

So you are admitting to abusing the reporting system for the purpose of harming people you personally don’t like. but I’m sure this is the only instance of someone doing this. right?

This meme is for you then:

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Nice try, dude. Boosting is disgusting. I don’t report because I’m not a Karen, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that you are defending a disgusting practice that brings down the level of the entire game community while destroying any sense of fairness in the game. The fact that you can enthusiastically live with that tells us all we need to know about you. /ignore

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Get owned, boostee.

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Some would say it’s quality behavior.

Careful not to pull a muscle with that stretch.


I do however know how the reporting system works.
This is how it works.

I hope you work on that passive aggressive anger issue you have.


Based and people who are ruining the game with sells are seething pilled.

Boostlets, when will they ever learn

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there are people out there who spam report anybody who’s helping with key carries, even the people that do it for free.


This ^

Bad players be super


Whenever I see these topics I always have that first impression that the full story hasn’t been conveyed to us. Maybe because I’ve seen this 100s of times before.

Imagine being so confident on being correct and being this flat out wrong.

Abuse of the reporting feature by reporting things that aren’t against tos is against tos.


Shame it’s not enforced.

If the rules were strictly enforced… there would only be 1-2 post count characters on the forums because 99.999% of us would all be perma silenced.

Heck… my statement would be in violation because obviously I discriminated against .001% by not including them in my made up number/statistic.

Ooops I made another error by offending someone with messing up on sentence structure and spelling.

:roll_eyes: 10chraract