Hmmm, it seems to me you can buy Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire for $30 and pay no sub.
Basically for 240.00 a year (if you buy your time online w/money) - There are a lot more fun things I could do with that money tbh
I’m actually enjoying WoW, but;
Get a sub
Are you including the price of the actual game/xpac?
That’s a quote from the Blizz post not anything I made
the list is getting smaller imo.
going to the movies as an adult with one other person is going to cost you well over $40 - and that is about what 2-3 hours of life “entertainment” time.
Don’t even get me started on the cost for amusement parks…i remember like 20 bucks at six flags was all i needed to have a fun time…not anymore!
WoW is still pretty good entertainment for the price imo when you put things into perspective
I’ve got something like 800hours clocked in on Warlock Master of the Arcane alone.
So is a some of the single-player and multiplayer games. I mean somebody can get GTA SA and get hours and more of entertainment, especially when you consider the mod scene and all, and the price of entry is only $15.
Meanwhile, i’m still trying to figure out how WoW’s cheap here when you have to weigh in the $40 to get into the newest expansion and the $15 sub fee every month or have to grind a ton of gold just to keep playing.
I’m pretty sure that $40 + $15 every month, let’s say about for a year, will pretty much buy you like 3 to 5 lengthy/worthwhile games with tons of quality content and such.
I downloaded League of Legends and Valorant for free and have gotten more hours of entertainment out of those than I have from WoW.
WoW has been so boring for me that the only time I’ve logged on since the second week of season one was for the Love is in the Air event, ran it once and promptly logged off because I was reminded of how bad this game has gotten. The only reason I still post on these forums is because before I left I converted all the gold I made in the first week of the expansion into game time(and battlenet balance) and have seven years of sub time from it.
i mean you’re not wrong.
it all depends on how you look at the investment. if you play this game daily - 14.99 is worth it if you’re spending a couple hours a day playing it (at least a few times a week for the month)
if someone is a transient gamer - and spread their gaming time across like 3-4 games - or maybe 2 other time-sink style games - it could appear to be expensive.
i’m looking at it from a daily gamer point of view - assuming WoW is your main game and also one of your main sources of entertainment.
It varies, but yeah if i was really busy for a couple weeks out of the month - the value would fluctuate…
but entertainment in other real life avenues (mentioned above) are just going up in cost significantly. WoW has remained static which I honestly can say isn’t them being greedy.
EDIT: Also I’m from the USA…no idea wtf Canada or Australia or Britain is doing with costs. so take that into consideration too (:
You are wrong
First is $22 monthly fee for Canadian second you have to buy the actual game so just SL is like $60 for the regular version and then I think is $20 for the starter pack. So is definitely more than $15 per month
Don’t forget that $70 a month internet fee
Our sub prices haven’t changed, but I think the prices for lump sum time have.
So it’s like still 18/mo if you’re doing it via subs up here.
Which still ain’t 15/mo so slightly true and slightly false.
I think you mean hundreds of hours of time wasted
I have 1000 hours in Grim Dawn, it cost me 20 bucks, no monthly fee. I have god knows how many hours into multiple FTP games that I’ve never paid a penny for… Path Of Exile to name one. I actually did end up buying some stuff from them because I felt guilty lol.
Also…errr ummm… Final Fantasy 14 says hi.
That’s me with Mount & Blade Warband, which I have over 1000 hours in at the low cost of $10 when it was on sale.
Ah yes hundreds of hours of world quests and boring trash/grinding and then maybe 2-8 hours of actual worthwhile content.
I see SO many people post this as an argument. If that game is so good, why the hell are you on the WoW forums talking about WoW instead of over there talking about that?
Clearly, FFIV isn’t nearly as good as people like to claim, because it’s a dead game that everyone LOVES but nobody actually PLAYS LOL
Pretty much.
Agree 100%