Yep same here
Happened again today right after I turned my computer on and before I did anything except launch my browser: one by one, each version of Wow and the PTR’s updated through the now normal looping update cycle.
Looks like it’s a known issue
I stopped counting after 20 times last night, and it’s well over that today.
My solution was to not use the Bnet app at all and just use the wow.exe from the retail folder
its the same update its keeps downloading and it been doing it for 2 days and if you logout of wow and leave the b-net still running and come back 1/2 hr later it say it needs to update
still happening
same here, something went wrong with the 9.1.5 update, it started a week after that went live for me
I can’t play the game. It’s constantly “updating” and won’t launch. Trying to start the game directly from the executable file doesn’t work for me. Uninstalling and reinstalling the launcher didn’t help. I tried to uninstall and reinstall the game, but that was completely unsuccessful. Nothing is working.
Same issue for two days now; sometimes get two TBC classic updates queued up back to back.
Also noticed this for both retail and classic versions, constant update popups but seem like very small files. I’ve tried to @ blizzardcs on twitter but no response.
I’m also having this issue. If I tab to the app quickly enough, it’ll say initializing under the play button, then checking data indices, then starts reclaiming disk space.
im also having the same issues, classic, tbc, ptr, retail constantly updating every couple hours
Just adding to the thread in pump up the reports. The build number hasn’t changed for retail ( but its “updated” a couple dozen times over the last few days (started thursday? I know for sure it was happening then).
For reference, the “update” just now that brought me here occured over an hour since my last interaction with the bnet client/playing a game. I was watching youtube videos on another monitor and noticed it “updating” out of the corner of my eye on the other screen.
Nov 15 still get UPDATE every time I start . Takes a while to update, specially long time on initializing, then quickly finished. Play a while, exit game and, come back start and there UPDATE again. Totally annoying to say at least.
The 7 steps in this post solved the problem for me:
Yeah,still going and if your playing it can wow51-something at time if the server is busy.
My Hearthstone updated three times yesterday…along with others…
While I didn’t see Hearthstone update that day, I now suspect that it probably did an update as the first one in the update loop and by the time I checked all the Blizzard games, it was already done.
I’m finding it extremely unlikely that suddenly this happened to people all over the world at precisely the same time and that’s a problem on our end. Not to mention several people have done complete uninstall/reinstalls and still have the problem.
Blizz just needs to fix their launcher.