Battleground's starting 10v40

So i have been in multiple battlegrounds as of late that are increasingly starting 10v40. Which of course is needless to say very unfair and not really winnable.

I’ve heard what causes it is people breaking into multiple groups of 5 and queing at the same time (which i know vrakthris has said by itself is not against the rules) only to drop their ques en mass once they don’t all get the same que pop leaving the bg they would have entered if they were queing normally severly outnumbered.

Many times the team that was 10v40 at the start does not fill until well after 5-10 minutes of the bg at which point the enemy team that started at a full roster has already dominated everything and it is incredibly dificult if not impossible to stage a comeback.

So is this a workaround of the que system you are aware of? It seems like gameplay sabotage to the 10 players stuck in their 10v40 game because some players all dropped their ques en mass. I cant think of any other reason why games would start like this given the que will not pop until 40 people are qued and present.

If counting down and queing at the same time as someone else is allowed is dropping the que if you don’t align allowed given its collateral damage to everyone else not doing that?


I am sorry Charming, but your issues with Battlegrounds are not something Customer Support can help you with. If you wish to see the current policy changed, you can continue posting in the Discussion forums.

The Discussion forums are the place to make suggestions where the Community Managers can collect your feedback and relay it to Devs.

Customer Support does not make policies and can not tell you what the Devs are thinking or planning.


I wanted to add that if the Devs feel that dropping the queue as you describe is against their desired game design, they will change how the game works. They will either prevent it somehow or strongly discourage it with a debuff or something. That is all on the Devs to do though.


I was not making a suggestion for a policy change i was asking for clarification on wether they are ok with 10v40 games or not or wether they were even aware they are happening and the queing workaround that makes them possible.

Because i cant manage to get a answer in any other forum cause of the sheer amount of gaslighting and cognitive dissonance i get met with.

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Recent threads on this topic include:

Looking for clarification on EBGs

Is sync premading intended and fair?


You are not going to get an answer here either. Right now it is not against the rules to drop queue. That is all that CS can tell you - they can share current policy. Customer Support can’t tell you what the Devs are thinking. The fact that it has not been changed by the Devs yet indicates that for now, they have not felt it was something they wanted to change.

That may change in the future, but nobody in CS can tell you ahead of time what the Devs might do with their Battleground design and decisions.


Nobody is talking about the disastrous side effect that sync queing has.

They are only talking about what happens once they are all in the same game.

I mean if they as of right now reckon that something a 5 year old could recognize as blatantly broken and unfair as a 10v40 is “working as intended” then that indicates a disregard for quality control in general. which is unfortunate.

Especially given they have introduced some features to blitz and shuffle like the increase in leaver penalties to help out with quality control in those areas but seemingly nothing for anything outside of rated.

I’ve been in games as low as 5v40 actually.


We get that you’re frustrated – none of us would enjoy being in a 10v40 either. The facts simply are as Mirasol has stated however – the CS staff won’t be able to provide you with any additional clarification over what’s already available.


Has there ever been clarification on whether or not communities are ok to be organizing their full 40 man raids into random epic bg’s?

If so, do you know if they intend to open the ability for everyone to raid que again?

Apologies for piling on. It’s just a really hot topic right now.


Customer Support has no say at all in what is “intended”. They can only tell you what current policy is. Current policy is that dropping queue is not against the rules.

Again, if the Developers wish to change that, they will change the game or change the rules. Most likely it would be a game change - such as adding a deterrent to dropping queue such as a stiff debuff. That is up to the Developers and your place to discuss that is the Discussion forums where you have been posting.

Any changes are up to the Developers to make. That includes changing BG queuing, BG start with unequal sides, dropping queue, etc.


Main reason i’m here is cause the blues are nearly unheard of in any other forum.

So i feel like even given the 12.4k views the gd thread has and climbing is definitely popular they still even given that may not be aware.

And that thread doesn’t even highlight the 10v40 aspect mostly.

I just find it really hard to believe that any reasonable person who cared even the slightest bit about competitive integrity could look at something like that and think “yeah thats ok” Cause its been going on for a minute.

Cause if they do agree with 10v40 games like do let me know so that i can find a diferent game for my pvp itch anyway. I still like wow for its unrivaled pve.


No worries.

The staff can’t really offer any additional insight because … there isn’t any additional insight available to us as players. As you know, their posts tend to be picked apart and so they need to be very careful about what they post.


That is not the role of the CS forums. They are not here to pass personal judgement on game design and game rules. They are here to help you learn to use the Support system, and to share the policies that have been made by Blizzard and the game Devs.

It does not matter what I think, Vrak thinks, or anyone else thinks. None of us have any say in what the Developers think or do.

Your ONLY means to get feedback to the Devs is the Discussion forums which you have been using. I realize it is frustrating, but the Devs do not usually reply and engage people in direct debate and conversation.

Barking up the wrong tree in CS is more likley to get you a “Sir this is a Wendys” meme :slight_smile: There is really nothing you are going to get here. The Blues here are not remotely part of the game teams and don’t even work at the same location. CS is Austin Texas. Most development is Irvine CA. There is not even any coffee talk about it.


Active doesn’t necessarily equate to popular. Thanks to the inane bickering on both sides of the issue, that particular thread’s only real use is for farming post views to maintain TL3.


It’s been happening since Vanilla.

The Devs have access to all the behind-the-scenes information. including the number of characters that join any battleground, the guild they are in, the realm they are on, if they dropped group and when.

It’s been happening since Vanilla.

It doesn’t belong in Customer Support. Feedback on this belongs in General Discussion or the Battleground forum.

PvP is never “fair”. It has nothing to do with quality control. It’s a player-created issue. Blizzard can’t force players to stay in a battleground.


If you think starting a game literally 30 players down is even in the same world as something like class balance or individual player skill differences idk what to say.

I understand its never going to be perfectly fair but the most bare minimum thing the game could do is at least put you against an equal amount of players.

Yeah it is a player created issue as are most issues in the game and who is responsible for and the only people who really can settle community disputes? Especially after the conversation around it from player to player has just devolved into petty gaslighting and cognitive dissonance? Blizzard of course.

Yeah they cant physically force anyone to stay or take their que but what they can do and what they have done in blitz and shuffle is add the leaver penalty (which i would not even think about considering for unrated until you adress que syncing).

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The window to join a battleground only pops when there are 40 players available for both sides. Blizzard is not going to force those 30 players to stay in the battleground.

Address queue syncing how? It’s okay to be frustrated by what is happening, but just voicing your frustration and saying Blizzard needs to fix it is not constructive. People need to stop focusing on what is currently happening and discuss solutions. This discussion needs to happen in General Discussion or Battlegrounds. The Devs don’t take feedback or suggestions from the Customer Support forum and the SFAs here are not liaisons with them.


They don’t even enter in the first place. thats why its 10v40

One idea i had was similar to what they have for blitz. Every que missed (or dropped) incurs the debuff that wont allow you to reque. In icriments of 5-10 minutes. resseting its multiplying severity every 2 or 3 hours.

Would some innocent players who truly go afk and miss the que naturally get caught up? sure but it would not be nearly as harsh on them as it would be on que syncers who chain drop 2-3 ques.


That’s right. They just reject the invite if they all don’t get invited. Blizzard can’t block them from using something like Discord to see if they all got invited at the same time. Their chat program could be installed on a tablet or phone, outside of where Blizzard could monitor.


Yeah which robs the people in the queue they dropped of a real game on both sides.

The team that starts at 10 has already lost pre gate opening and the full roster enemy team just gets to afk and auto win without any real challenge. Not to mention the backfillers who get to populate the 10 player team after the bg is lost.

So they are griefing upwards of 80 players every time they que drop.

So in other words they are being extraordinarily selfish and putting themselves and their gameplay experience over that of those in the dropped game.

Which I don’t see how that doesn’t fall under “exploiting other players” in the tos


There currently isn’t any rule against this.

That’s not in the EULA. Exploiting a flaw in the game is. Like bots farming herbs and ore from below.