Battle for Darkshore bugged out

Battle for Darkshore bugged out and can’t complete the last part of the warfront.

We have received a number of reports that the Warfront can get into a state where it cannot be completed. It is being looked into, but I’m afraid we don’t have a workaround right now.

You can try leaving the Warfront and try again later, but the issue with those Warfronts is that the system will continue to back fill anyone looking to join the Warfront and keep that instance active. We’re looking into a means to address that, but one is not yet available. Sorry.

Edit: To clarify, as I don’t want someone to read into what I’ve said and use it to create their own narrative, I’ve edited the previous post.

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And then some, in as little as 10m I think I saw 20 odd people rotate out of my Darkshore. One even implied he waited out a 30m debuff only to return to the same instance.

Going to be a lot of unhappy campers soon.

It is, but you are expecting a service that the Bug Report forum doesn’t provide, which is interaction. It is a repository for Bug Reports that our QA team collects data from to verify potential bugs. While they may post on occasion, usually to ask for more information, it is not common or a functionality of those forums, Kneeadin.


Sorry Vrak, wasn’t intending to insult. Everyone was posting on the bug forums and was getting little traction/assurances. A post on the CS forum got a quick response that at least you know about it and it’s being looked into.

I was trying to get the word out, and obviously I did that poorly.


No worries, Kneeadin. I just wanted to be sure I clarified. :slight_smile:


30 Min deserter debuff 3 TIMES in a row. I mean seriously, hot fix this NOW. What?

Knowing about an issue doesn’t magically create a resolution, Magikthise. It is being looked into, and we’ll do what we can to resolve the situation.


I exited the warfront and didn’t get deserter debuff… your mileage may vary.

One of my guild mates said that this happens if you finish all the fighting stages without finishing the building stages. Said something about needing to finish the war glaive stage before rushing ahead.

I didn’t personally test this. I got put into a Warfront right at the end with the bugged boss, I waited for several minutes before leaving, and didn’t get the deserter debuff.

Interesting. Highly scripted encounters have a history of breaking when out-of-scope actions are performed.

I urge your guildmate to create a bug report post if they’d encountered the bug firsthand.

I noticed in my warfront today, over half the raid tried to skip a latter step and attempted to swim directly to the boss platform.


Blizz has known about this for over 4 days, not having a fix yet is unacceptable. You guys can do hot fixes between pulls for mythic world first race, but you guys can’t fix a bug in a Warfront?


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Not all bugs have the same scope. Neither are they all similarly easily fixed.

It took Microsoft at least 4 years to fix a bug where I could type a command, insert it into a script, or even reference it inside a web page to BSOD Windows.


Anyway, my point is that the issue is being looked into and will be fixed. While everyone would prefer the issue is resolved now, there’s no real timeline on bugfixes. If they already knew the appropriate fix, had already completed impact analysis, and were confident that it wouldn’t negatively affect the the game experience, it would already be in.

I remember a some years back, Blizzard tried to rush a Tol Barad fix in over the holidays. The result was worse than the bug.


I completely understand not all bugs are the same. However you’re trying to tell me that a bug that has been known about for OVER 4 days is harder to fix that a bug in a complex mythic raid encounter. That’s a tough pill to swallow.

I’m not trying to hate on the game I love the game, but this is a matter of principle. Players are being punished for nothing of their own doing, ie the deserter debuff. If you break it down in terms of time, let’s say roughly 20 mins to get to the end boss, it bugs, then a 30 min debuff. So you just wasted 50 mins. For some players depending on RL commintments ie work, school, kids ect that could be all the time they have to accomplish that warfront.

For this bug to be around this long and affect this many players is plain unacceptable. And again for the lack of communication coming from blizz on troubleshooting or what they are doing to fix it.

If this is true, would be great to get confirmation from Blizzard. It’ll make it easier to stop people rushing and causing the bug.

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Bugs are prioritized and triaged according to the scope of the what the bug affects. Some bugs are more serious than others.

What may seem like a critical bug to you would be seen as a minor bug to the QA team. In the end, it is the internal policies and processes that will win out.

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Tell the thousands of players this bug affected that it isn’t critical to them. So the lack of a fix and communication from blizzard using your logic would deem that thousands of players being affected isn’t a huge deal to blizzard.

Again I love the game and find it very enjoyable I really do, but the user is the main focal point of the game. You would think that the users would be the focal point of their policies and procedures in terms of bug fixes. After all the hiccups BFA has had from systems not working out and lack of communication on patch 8.1 notes. You’d think communication would be the highest priority for Blizzard right now.

I can pull numbers out of my backside, too.


Um, Have you read this thread? Vrakthis has been upfront about it.