The back story for the name doesn’t matter one iota.
A name is either in violation of community standards and blizzard policies or it is not.
An appeal is not a chance to argue over the rational behind the name. It consists of the name being reviewed by a different person. If the different person agrees with the original findings, the penalty is upheld. If they don’t agree, the penalty may be overturned.
I’m really trying to help save you from yourself, but you’re making it difficult. If you weaponize your accounts like that? It’s going to bite you in the butt. They do look at these things. And especially since you’ve threatened it here? They’ve got that as a record too. The reporting sword cuts both ways. Report if people are breaking rules. Report and weaponize those reports? You’re going to be the one facing further sanctions.
hey this is a do what i want situation someone reported my name and instead of saying hey change your name and allowing me to appeal it they suspended my account for 2 days so why is someone else’s actions ok but when i do the same its not lawlz
Just to ouch on this for any whom come across this thread, (if it’s still up by any point later from this point), a mod/blue can see whom reported a given post. Anyone trying to report abouse, will get their own account action rather then the given post. More so when used for meaningless things and heavily more so on the CS forum.
Heres the thing this isnt ur first violation you wouldve goten a free name change if it was ur first the fact that u got a suspension implies that u didnt learn ur lesson the first time.
If you were given a warning in the past? That’s all you get. Without the backstory of your name? On face value you may as well have named Cuckold or something along those lines. It’s inappropriate and doesn’t belong in the game. A GM agreed with the player report and here we all are.
Battle your appeal in the proper channel - through your ticket. Having a tantrum here isn’t doing yourself any favors.
Simply put, you were the one who violated the rules. You are the one who has to face the consequences.
Your name was reported. Period. It doesn’t matter if it was one report or 20. They are all reviewed.
If you falsely report other players’ names? Yes, you will receive further account actions. The fact this is a two-day suspension means this is not your first rodeo. It says you have had other naming violations in the past and Blizzard will continue escalating the penalties, up to and including, account closure. Blizzard has also been known to close entire accounts. Don’t think hiding behind 10 accounts is going to protect you. They know where the reports are coming from.
All of the advice you have been given is correct. Continuing to troll this forum will not end well. You could be facing a suspension on the forums as well.
my last violation was years ago and it was appealed successfully the same day but that was back when this game had actual customer service agents that actively managed the game at one point we even had gm’s observing boss mechanics on live when a ticket was filed for a bug last time i saw that was in wrath now look at it takes roughly a week to get an automated response to a ticket and this is not just coming from me this is a large community that as of today i’ve been asking opinions from and relaying them via my own posts also per the email for this violation i own my account when did that change?
Anyone thats saying its taking more then a week for a response is mistaken unless it requires divine intervention tickets are averaging 24hr or they hit the ticket bug and it never got filed in the first place.
Those are templates used to ensure consistency among replies. Very different from an “automated” reply, which does not happen with appeals. All appeals are reviewed by a different GM.
Which means absolutely nothing. Someone’s opinion doesn’t matter when it comes to Blizzard’s rules. You agreed to follow them. Since you didn’t, you now have to face the penalties for it.
Someone reported your name because they thought it violated the rules. Blizzard agreed the name was inappropriate, which means it is not appropriate for a T for Teen rated game. Blue post from a similar thread for reference:
The only opinion that matters is blizzard and there logs they will never take a players opinion over hearsay either it violates the rules or the logs prove others wise blizzard will never take forums into account. and on that note im outa here since u done want to see reason.
I believe the phrasing is more along the lines of “You are responsible for what happens on your own account.” It’s possible the OP is confusing the usage of the word “own” in this context.
but official emails say different pretty interesting i am no lawyer but doesn’t that cause a conflict with the eula "Due to these player reports, we have renamed your World of Warcraft Character.
As the owner of this account, you are responsible for all actions associated with it. We will only overturn penalties if there is evidence of a compromised account or similar extenuating circumstances.
Action(s) Taken:
Account Suspended
Urwifemykids was permanently renamed, or is going to be renamed.
Violation: Inappropriate Name
Your fellow players reported your in-game name as inappropriate multiple times.
Suspension expires on: 2022 May 13 21:34 UTC
After a thorough investigation of the evidence, we have Suspended your World of Warcraft account.
As the owner of this account, you are responsible for all actions associated with it. We will only overturn penalties if there is evidence of a compromised account or similar extenuating circumstances.
If you understand this and still want to appeal our decision, please visit this article and submit a ticket.
Due to these player reports, we have renamed your World of Warcraft Character.
As the owner of this account, you are responsible for all actions associated with it. We will only overturn penalties if there is evidence of a compromised account or similar extenuating circumstances.