Ban the /spit emote weakaura and addon

No, you were trying to cash in on the currency of victimhood, which is pretty despicable for someone who is not remotely a victim of anything.

Where can I download this addon? What’s it called?

It is part of weak aura addon.

…my ignore list is maxed out on all toons.

That’s a yikes.


Turn off Emotes. Profit.

Yep, I’ve been playing this game since day one in 2004 and I have never had a single person on my ignore list. That says a lot about a person’s emotional immaturity and state of mental health if they have a full list.


I concur. The psychology of what is happening in western society on the place of perceived victimhood, is truly astounding.


go play retail then zoomer, if you can’t read more than 1 sentence, or go use reddit maybe.

Agreed, what’s this addon called? Am sincerely curious

Have you tried growing a pair?

If you have all you ignore list maxed out across all toons, then it really is time to look in the mirror

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How did you survive in the real world?

the spit emote is offensive, so its probably get removed all together.

Its going to be replaced with an airhug emote. Thats when you hug a person but don’t touch them to not be offensive towards their personal space.


Maybe don’t buy things that ruin the game. This is what people actually think of people who buy boosts, mounts, etc. You gonna ban my opinion? I’m sure you would if you could.

Holy Necroposts Batman! This thread is so old it has fungus!

You need weak auras to /spit? I have it bound to x

Blizzard do have a old bluepost about people complaining abut in game emotes being “offensive.” They basically said it a rude but innocious emote that’s literally coded into the game. Maybe if enough babies cry about it they can remove the emote but people will just move to the next rudest emote (probably /rude) and then we just turn into the fun police.

What next banning enemies for corpse camping? Banning friends for laughing at you when you die? Where is the line for this?

Also kinda do feel like this is a troll but removing weakauras ability to /spit would probably result in a lot of lost functionality for emotes they’ll just do it in /s something like “look at ugly cash cow nobody likes boosties” would that hurt your feelings less?

people are gonna voice their oppinions on the boost, maybe get past level 60 and get into outland so you can get some gear that makes you look less like a boostie and a different mount and bing bang boom you’re indistinguishable from all the people who leveled their characters.

tl;dr Also hate to be that guy but if your ego is THIS fragile you’re probably not going to last long when you run into something actually toxic in this game.

How can someone care about a line of a text from a random stranger in a video game? ‘Oh no, someone /spit on me!!!’ Your reaction is entirely up to you.

It’s amazing how this younger generation can’t handle ANYTHING without being offended.

It sorta sounds like you’re offended.

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I’m literally loling at suggesting any form of punishment for emoting.


It offends you, so change it for everyone. It doesn’t offend me, or 99.99% of others, but go ahead and keep your jimmies rustled so I can grow stronger off of your dismay.
