Ban the /spit emote weakaura and addon

#sticksandstones #gotoyoursafespace

MAYBE YOUR WAY TO FUSSY . Your ignore list on max with all toon? perhap you need to stop getting BUTTHURT OVER A SIMPLE EMOTE . Are you realy that sentimental?


Nothing he said there indicates that he is offended. He is stating a factual observation.

Are you joking ? NOTHING ? Is whole post indicates that he is offended . Or else why make the damm post ?

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You sound pretty offended. Spamming spit by hundreds of players is toxic, no matter what.

Offended ? By what ? By your crying . Perhaps yea.

LOL he’s reporting people for “harassment”. Did you even read his post or are you just here to troll? He literally stated he thinks people are harassing him therefore he is offended in some way shape or form by the emote. Otherwise he wouldn’t be reporting them.

That would be the OP, and I would agree with your assessment as I already did earlier in this thread. The problem is that you are responding to a post I made responding to a different person. Get a grip.

My bad buddy. Maybe we can use /spit to apologize.


You unironically named yourself daddy.

Your opinion carries little, if any, weight.

I can’t properly express how little your opinion means to me.

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I actually have a spit fetish so I welcome people to spit on me in game and in real life. Spitting doesn’t offend me… it invigorates me.

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This is not news.

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And I thought the thong was TMI.

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Please ignore me now, I know I wouldn’t enjoy having you in my group/raid.

lmao my bad , didn’t see the reply .

Just camp them for doing it. Or if they’re delusional and think they’re good for 5 man camping you then take solace in knowing that they’ll probably suck in arena forever and /spit is the most enjoyment they’re ever gonna have.

Plenty of great rationalizations to choose from!!

bro if ur getting bent out of shape over /spit …

that’s just sad. grow a pair lmfao


holy necro thread, this died a month ago, let it stay dead


I honestly think you’re part of the problem.