Ban the /spit emote weakaura and addon

It’s about the CONTEXT of being harassed by people spitting on you for playing the game the way you enjoy. Hopefully blizz can step up and moderate this and perhaps ban the addon from official TBCC servers.

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You are obviously from the “safe space” generation but let me clue you in on a little basic life fact: you can ignore words on a video game chat screen, especially from random strangers.

Anyone who calls this “harassment” has never experienced actual harassment and really should be banned for being so over the top insulting to people who have experienced actual harassment IRL.

/spit is an integral part of my classic experience, if you remove this emote then I am quitting the game.

This is kind of why the world is going to crap now days…

I mean are you really crying about people doing /spit on you in a video game? You can literally log off or just ignore it in general like how does that effect you so bad?

We are breeding way to many weak minding people now days.

Is this a serious topic? I bet you got participation trophy’s in gym class too… It’s called roleplaying. Horde hate Alliance, Alliance hate horde. Seriously dude… If you want your hand held, go to retail.


it sounds like youre overly touchy, especially if ALL of your character ignore lists are maxed. The problem is you.

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People offended by a /spit emote in a computer game are a special kind of hmmm… what’s the word I’m looking for? Special??

Leave your parent’s basement, go out into the world, get a job, grab some responsibilities, contribute to society. You’ll stop caring what random low-lifes in a computer game emote in your direction.

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Turn emotes off in settings?

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Blizzard is the one who put the spit emote in the game, you expect them to take it out?!
PS it is not real spit, just wet pixels.
PSS. There is no caffeine in the tea bag you are receiving.

That’s a head scratcher there, I wonder why? Hmmm.

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Why? They’ll just make a /spit macro. Put them on ignore.

You can ignore words on a screen! Cyberbullying isn’t real guys! (LOL) Use google before making a silly statement.

That word does not remotely mean what you think it means and you really should be perma banned for being so insensitive to actual victims.

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Not sure if you’re trolling as it was pretty obvious I was being sarcastic in response to your thoughtless/ignorant comment.

Just a reminder this is something YOU said… the irony is thick with this one.

People are getting offended over the spit emote??? Hahahahahaha! Y’all seriously need to toughen up. The stuff y’all are complaining about tells me the community is getting soft and emotionally unstable.

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Are people overreacting to this? Maybe, but that doesn’t excuse acting like a Richard towards boosted players either.

The use of hate in society is a complex phenomenon, but psychologically, who and why we hate is much clearer. The motive of hate is to eliminate the other, whether that be real or symbolic. Hate evolves out of both real and imagined threats. When we hate another, we don’t just hate what they do, we hate who they are: we see them as inherently bad, morally inferior and we believe their intention towards us is malicious. What we hate about the other is their imagined innate nature. Once we come to hate, the hatred persists.

Psychologically speaking, hate has much more currency as a group feeling than an individual one. Hate is the great social glue that binds people together. Research demonstrates that socially, once unleashed, hate can permanently destroy relationships, and that misconceptions and biases once formed against an outgroup don’t necessarily change on meeting people from that group. Hate, like an emotional injury, leaves scars, not just on the hated, but also the hater. At the group level, we hate those who are different from us. We don’t need to know a person to hate them because of what we perceive them to represent.

There is nothing within the emotion of hate that is constructive or redemptive like other negative human emotions. It destroys both the hater and the hated.

Hate begets hate but it is how the media attracts viewers nowadays.

That was an addon? I thought there was just a lot of alliance on my server spitting on me.

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Not defending disrespectful emotes or even words said by players to others players, but I do find it telling in this day and age that whenever someone encounters something they don’t like or that offends them, the solution is to have someone ELSE take action to correct or compensate for it. When bad behavior is a reflection on the person doing it, why are our coping mechanisms so weak (or vacant!) that we can’t simply dismiss that behavior as such?

If I boost for example, and someone /spits at me for doing so, I’m not going to let that diminish me or devalue me…it’s a statement about how THEY are struggling to exist in a world where individuals act well, individually.

I’m not struggling with that, it’s actually the truest diversity!


Show me on the teddy bear where the /spit hurt you