Baine "represents all that is best about the Horde"?

Are continuous wars with the Alliance really good for average members of the Horde though? Maybe Baine’s pro-Alliance leanings would actually be good for everyone.

Total peace would be pro everyone. And I’d go for peace 100% in real life.
But in a fantasy game… Peace = boring.

I’ll stand with the Dark Lady no matter what, and my toon will drop right before blizz decides to make her a lootbag!


Rommath’s thoughts on Sylvanas:

    "We do not have a choice, Rommath; do you not understand that? We do as Sylvanas asks or we quite possibly lose all of Quel'Thalas south of the Elrendar River!"

    “So, let it go!” Rommath shouted, and Lor’themar froze in shock. Slowly he turned back once again, catching sight of Halduron’s equally startled face as he did.

    “Let it go?” His voice started to rise. “Do you know how many elves—sin’dorei and quel’dorei alike—died to defend that land? How many continue to die? And you say I should just let it go? What the hell is wrong with you?”

    “They would rather have died in vain than have given their lives just so you could turn into nothing more than the puppet of some—some monster, in the name of their sacrifice!”

Rommath has the biggest “I told you so” in history now that Lor’themar is finally turning against Sylvanas.

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Yeah sure… except for all the Troll thematics in all of our zones. The Forsaken are basically a C plot used as fodder for a WF and our disastrous WC. I’ve seen more of Jaina as a Horde player than probably all of the “Forsaken” combined.


Im not saying Rommath would sided with Sylvanas but he would have stopped Lor’thremar from making the decision in saving the traitor.
I do believe the Blood Elves owe Sylvanas a great debt.
Evrn whennyou make a BE today, Sylvanas as Warchief accepts you into the Horde straight away but asks that you see Saurfang for the “ok”

We as a race owe her alot and the memory of her as RG is still pretty fresh for us.


Yeah, and then she blackmails them into fighting in Northrend when they barely have the resources to start rebuilding after the loss of Kael.

Your assumption also is based off the premise that the BEs should be absolutely blind to what Sylvie is and has become; because of WHO she ONCE was long ago. Even Lor’themar in the Heritage questline states the equivalent of being perfectly capable of honoring her sacrifices she made for his people in life; but not being ignorant of the monster she’s truly become in death.

You genuinely believe that Lor’themar is acting out of character for turning on a woman he hasn’t trusted in ages? That Rommath or Liadrin would side with someone who’s become so ideologically counter to their own? That the BEs should just ignore just how much she’s truly laced their BE Racial Name with hypocrisy with Teldrassil? All of these don’t matter though … ONLY Blind Loyalty.


Sylvanas would sell out the blood elves the moment she needed to. Hell, the moment she needed new quivers, who did she force to go to Northrend? The blood elves.

As for Rommath, dont forget he was the guy who your crazy prince sent. At best he is an idiot who easily blinded. At worse he might betray you, heck if Blizzard didn’t change their decision he would have already been fodder for Cata.

Thrall was the one who ordered them to go to Northrend. And that’s the sort of thing they agreed to when they joined the Horde.

You gotta admit…the line “Baine represents all that is best about the Horde” is extremely out of character for Lor’themar. Lor’themar has never been “ra ra Horde” or the type of character to stick his neck out. Also when you consider that Lor’themar’s original line on the PTR was about how the Horde welcomed the Blood Elves and there’s a debt to be repaid, and the devs had to be reminded that Thrall originally did not want the Blood Elves in the Horde and it was only because Sylvanas and the Forsaken lobbied for and helped defend the Blood Elves, it was only then that the devs went back and rewrote Lor’themar’s dialogue to the current pro-Baine malarkey.


Thrall asked them to join, Sylvanas blackmail him to no be able to refuse.

Sylvanas lobbied for them to join so she could and did use them later.

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So? Everyone uses everyone. Lor’themar used the Horde and the Forsaken for security, he can’t repay his debts? He shouldn’t have needed to be blackmailed. He should have just supported his allies…but he’s never been the most loyal character as we know.

Honestly that argument just serves to prove how asinine the line “Baine represents all that is best about the Horde” is coming from Lor’themar that rarely lifts a finger to be helpful /shrug.


yeah… same here…
i also feel like it is extremely out of character for lord’themar.

What connection does he has with him anyway?
did he actually forgot the reason why he was arrested in the first place?
(you know, helping one of his biggest enemies and weapon of the alliance)

why do he even cares about baine,the forsakens or the alliance?

or he is just scared that baine will devour him?

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Great question! Have they ever even had a conversation? I haven’t read every book, is there a point in a book somewhere where Baine and Lor’themar discuss the Horde and its principles?

Honestly the line comes across as a dev/writers insert rather than something true to the character, because it is. Lor’themar would never say something so trite before BfA.


May I interject here and state plainly that I don’t think the Horde has anything positive to speak about?
So Baine representing what is best about the Horde is nothing but a trick question.


No, Thrall ordered them to join. And Sylvanas reminded them you don’t get free help if you want to be in the Horde.


i don’t remember anything about them even interacting.

the line is like “GOD baine is freaking awesome for betraying the horde to benefit the alliance! why you don’t want to save him?”

is just…wrong…
we are talking about the same dude that wanted to switch sides at the first opportunity.
what did baine did for him or the belfs? :woman_shrugging:


That could be handled wayyy better because I can actually imagine Baine and Lor’themar having a good convo about it if he didn’t all of a sudden go “HE’S THE SECOND COMING OF THRALL!”.

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That line was certainly an intentional insert by the writing team, likely to try to begin building a case for Warchief Baine when none really exists atm. It felt rushed because it is rushed. They spent most the expansion detailing how awful Sylvanas is and sort of seemed to forget they have to build up a replacement candidate in story while also building a case sylvanas has to go… so they sort of slap dashed stuff together.


Well, as Baine is a bovine, I’m assuming he’d at least be edible.

That make him better and more useful than literally anyone else in Horde. (Barring other Tauren)

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Oh, no, don’t get me wrong … THAT line was total crap.

But, I stand by my point that Lor’themar IS acting totally in character siding against Sylvanas (hell, she even makes it a point to state in War Crimes that he has never ONCE sided with her on a political matter). The reason for this being is pretty plainly spelled out by him in the Heritage Questline; he is perfectly capable of honoring the sacrifices she made for his people in life, without being blinded to who and what she is now. I could see him mounting a rescue for Baine, but not for some stupid ideological reason … but more “If I’m going traitor, might as well try to do it right and get the Tauren in on this rebellion parade by rescuing their doofus leader”.