Baine "represents all that is best about the Horde"?

I guess? I guess they could sort of play it like they’re the new generation of Horde coming in; and like Thrall, Vol’jin, and Cairne they have similarities (they also happen to be an Orc, Troll, and a Tauren). But … we will have to see if this girl squad amounts to anything.

Also … hey, if the GilGoblins become our ARs instead of the foxes (and Gazlowe and Nathanos are really getting setup to replace their respective racial leaders) … we might end up with this bizarre situation where every single CORE Race has a Male Rep; and every single AR has a Female Rep.

I feel like you’re reaching a bit in Geya’rah’s case. She’s not really shown having any sort of struggles or growing pains, she has all the psychotic confidence of a classic Orc.

Mayla and Talanjii do have similarities, but Talanjii is the only one that the story is actually dwelling on right now. Mayla might as well be dead for all the story development that she’s likely to get going forward.


I agree with the statement that the Horde AR leaders seem to be cut from the same mold in many respects. Several of them certainly could use some love (Mayla being the one I most have been curious about- like, I wanted SOME reaction from her, even cautious and muted during Baine’s arrest.)

The Alliance ARs are in a somewhat different position, though they too could use attention. Moira seized power in a vengeful coup, was deposed at sword point by Varian, and has played the strings of politics to the benefit of her people since. Alleria and Jaina, well, their backstories reach back into pre-MMO days, and while Jaina may have started out similar to the Horde AR leaders, her road has been much longer, winding, and by its very nature and time involved, more developed.

Fareeya is, well, Fareeya. Not particularly well developed, but hardly the young upstart revolutionary. More the archetypical Lux Vult Lightforged we contrast with their more purple-crystal-friendly cousins.

All the more reason Nathanos should get the axe, too.

They seem to have dropped her, as far as I can tell, but I still think Voss is the best choice, and would at least salvage something from Zelling’s wasted storyline.

Look, I like Voss on a conceptual level; but she’s spent so much time NOT being Forsaken that it would be super weird to have her lead right out of the gate. Especially since, as far as I’m aware, she heavily implies she was conscripted by threat into the Horde War effort this campaign.

She may care about those few Undead she created like Zelling and Stone; but thats almost her taking responsibility for those she was forced to create under orders. She needs a LITTLE time to be a part of the Forsaken before she should lead it; time of which BfA is NOT about to give her. So … perhaps … she can instead serve as a bit of a Brienne of Tarth for Blightcaller (and if we’re lucky, he’ll turn out to be more of a Book Jaime, and not Show Jaime, down the line).


This could all be solved with a in-between-expansions novel.

Or hell, even a short story.

Hmm … maybe.

Fact of the matter remains that Voss is the unliving embodiment of Forsaken Free Will; but she’s still very non-committal to her people. She absolutely should be A Forsaken Racial Leader; but is she ready to be THE Racial Leader? I’m just not certain yet. I feel like her taking up a Champion Mantel first, then taking on more and more responsibility seems like a more natural transition.

She’s been a loner for a long time; and even now it feels like she’s only doing what she is in this conflict because she’s been forced to (her caretaking of Stone and Zelling aside).

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This exact same sentence could be said about Sylvanas, with asterisks on the free will part, but she’s still faction leader herself.

I wouldn’t consider Sylvie as non-committal; she’s very invested in her people, just … y’know … as tools for her own benefit. But you are right, she is certainly a living embodiment of Forsaken Free Will (she’s just, very selective about ensuring the wills of others around her are convenient for her own). Her will supersedes yours, better hope yours is convenient for hers.

Ok, I admit, this was more fun than expected.


I was referring to this:

    "Let them perish!" Sylvanas cried. "I am finished with them!"

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Our Sunwell gone, our KING at the time off world looking for another source of power to sustain us, in the meantime, our PC is out there restoring the runestones, encountering the Forsaken, they help us reclaim the Ghostlands, we found “The Lady’s Necklace”, get Sylvanas all emotional. With the win at Deathholme, Sylvanas herself back us with joining the Horde and since then, the mentality of the Blood Elves were “heroic” and prove ourselves within the faction so that we do not have a repeat like we had in the Alliance.

Lor’thremar might be Regent Lord, but as a member of the Magisters, Rommath is my leader, and he has always but heads with Lor’thremar regarding his decision. Rommath would not have saved Baine and he would have heavily advised against saving him.

Im a proud Blood Elf hence the mog, Im proud of Silvermoon but most importantly, Im a proud member of the Horde and since Sylvanas was made Warchief and as champion of the Horde ( PC wise ) Ill do everything in my power to accomplish Sylvanas’s goals.


If you genuinely believe that Rommath would have sided with Sylvanas … you’re essentially fishing for reasons why the Blood Elves should side with Sylvie. I can not think of a conceivable reason Rommath or Liadrin would take the side of Sylvanas in this conflict. As for siding with Sylvanas … cool? I guess if you’re RPing being a loyalist to her, sure? But I cannot fathom a Horde Leader that represents the Horde worse than her (hell, she doesn’t even represent her own Forsaken very well); and as such I FULLY expect her to betray the Horde this expansion.

He’s a whipped version of Cairne. Not because of “treason” in Tides of War, or BfA. But because he is too passive. Say what you want about Tauren as a passive people, but there were always obvious limits to their goodwill. Cairne slapped Garrosh upside the head and insulted his honor in front of the entire city when he thought he’d tried to have Hamuul killed. Baine would be respectable if he didn’t seem to care only about Derek Proudmoore, but also all of his own people Sylvannas killed in Lordaeron, and then defiled the bones of by reanimating them. An insult to Tauren beliefs.


Because he is depicted as honorable and one to look for peaceful solutions instead of all out conflict. I don’t expect everyone to understand what the word constraint means, but it’s one quality that requires great strength to develop.

I think it this way, Cairne would’ve killed Garrosh if it wasn’t for Magatha’s treachery. Cairne was way past his prime at that point. Baine is in his prime could probably defeat/kill any other Warchief prospect if he really wanted to. And he kneeled before Garrosh because his people were in peril and he needed Garrosh and the horde to save Thunderbluff from total obliteration, putting your people’s wellbeing over your own ego is a great trait for a leader.

See? nitpicking is easy and it doesn’t change the fact that Sylvannas is on her way out, she has been since she was written into an innocent women and children murderer and Baine for good or for worse, is the only one suited since Lor’themar ins’t up for the job. Is not that much that he’s the best option, is that he’s the only, option.

Ah thank you for writing thing.

The Alliance has been winning the war since 3 expansions ago.

Sylvanas is doing fine as warchief, those who don’t like her can go join the Alliance, they are all righteous there.

Reboot the Horde.

In fact, just reboot WoW.


Sylvanas just recently tricked Horde heroes and leaders into getting stuck in Nazjatar and ambushed by Naga didn’t she? Lor’themar and Thalyssra had to take care of the situation while the Warchief did nothing even though she clearly knew what was going down.

The duality of man.

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To the Alliance Baine probably does represent all that is blah blah blah".