Bad Luck Protection - a long overdue topic

A topic brought to the council and ignore by Reward Devs, Why WoW doesn’t do proper bad luck protection systems?

Recently Devs changed the lock out for ZC Rares impacting the cosmetics grinds, It makes the whole process a lot worse.

We already know from a Reward Dev point of view that X activity performed N amount of times without any result or progress at all, its a frustating experience:

Devs already said it, that something like this isn’t fun, the game shouldn’t target the Army of Alts as solution for low drops and limited attempts.

I know there’s value on rarity for some players but there’s also a massive time investment without results which lead to frustation.

Maybe add items to a vendor as Devs did during Shadowlands for some covenant mounts that drop from a rare or you could purchase from a vendor for Anima + Offerings.

Another solution for cosmetics, copy the Legion Legendary system that has a pity drop increase for each failed attempt, if every time a character attempts X rare the drop increase 0.01%, that’s some progress compared to the set % drop that don’t change at all and usually are really low compared to the amount of attempts, the whole design of reward has a bad approach for players with few character and it get worse if you don’t grind the cosmetics now, because in future patches/expansions it’ll be harder to grind these cosmetics drops.


It’s more satisfying when you finally get the thing you wanted than it is to have the drop rate increase it because you get tired of farming/too lazy

That’s what grinds are for, it’s the staple of every MMO since MMOs existed

And if you don’t like that theory

There’s some free to play games that lets you use your credit card to get the cool awesome stuff

Yea after nearly two years of regularly farming SoO for the Dark Shaman set I heavily disagree with the idea of it being rewarding when you finally get it. Having to grind for an item for a couple weeks or so is one thing, not grinding months to even years.


I did 8k attempt of the sha before I got the mount, that wasn´t satisfying, the whole process of farming some content that doesnt’ even impose good engagement, you just clear everything 1 hit, it’s just gamble against the odds and depending of the amount of attempts and your tolerance lvl (insanity for a grind) , it can be a frustated experience, just like Dev mentioned the Love rocket grind. There’s a middle ground that should be discussed, no handouts…but actually progress for your attempts.

I know that, there’s a middle ground, just like Gooey Snailemental that you need a drop from an activity, there’s RNG involved because you can get 0 or 5 per attempt and then there’s a deterministic reward by acquiring 50, FFXIV handle a lot of cosmetics like that.


The things liks “.3%” drop rate stuff needs to disappear in today’s time. Sure you can work for it but it shouldn’t take 4 years and 4 alts sitting on an MOP spawn just to get a mount


If it takes me a month or two for something to drop, yes it’s rewarding. But after like 10 years of farming and you still don’t get the thing you want(looking at you Invincible) it’s not fun.

There should be a happy medium of farming for a bit to get what you want so it feels special when you get it, but not so much farming that if feels like a chore you dread doing because you know you’ll be right back next week with your army of alts for more diappointment.


You have achievements as early as March 2014

You were around during mists of pandaria prime time

The drop rate for that transmog was higher, especially as you went up in difficulty when 5.4 listed raids as

Flexible, normal and heroic

Why didn’t you get it then via flexible?

Where were you when invincible was 100% drop rate in ICC 3.4 patch?

I love how you have to do an achievement check to try and argue this.

My friend, as you can see I was brand new at the time and didn’t know the first thing about raiding. I never would have been able to do runs at that time at normal and heroic with the knowledge and skill I did, and the runs of LFR I had the opportunities to do it didn’t drop. Appreciate the effort though!

Edit: I also wasn’t even playing a Shaman then and didn’t know anything about the set.


100% for everyone who killed him? That doesn’t sound right. Usually there’s 2 that drop in a raid going by current mount drops for mythic raids. If it was, then I guess I missed out on that patch. But then why get rid of the 100% chance in the first place? It punishes people who either weren’t playing WoW then or who didn’t do that content when it was current.


Yeah… that should never happen. At the very least, I’d say if the drop chance is something like .1%, there should just be a hard 1000th attempt drops the mount rule.

It would still maintain rarity because most people aren’t going to push 1000 attempts to begin with, but at least it puts a light at the end of the tunnel in the worst case that isn’t ‘I could be collecting social security before this drops and I’m in my 20s.’

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Because people who complete the content when it was the expansion time, should get the awesome rewards at the end of completing raids

Oh, you’re one of those people. Right. I did complete it back in the day and never was rewarded it so where’s my mount?

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You lost it in a roll cause everyone needed on it

Yeah, which goes back to bad luck protection being needed.

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I think most old content mounts should be upped on drops…to at least a fresh 15 or 20%. You’re not gonna use em anyways…


Or you could have done the heroic 25 man raid with your 24 other buddies week after week and you could have gotten your invincible after a month of farming ICC heroic gear

Thanks for your replies, the good thing is that you brought more visibility to the topic :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


I think it’s worth pointing out the argument is purposely being sidelined into debate about “well why didn’t you get it when it was prime content” to move the focus away from the subject of “should there be protections in place so people aren’t stuck in infinite grinds.”


Its a pretty hot topic tbh.