There’s X amount of reasons why a player will use x o y mount, there’s even a pink color thread in the council that was responded by Devs. There’s a lot of types of players in this game and not everyone can do 50+ alts for attempts, bad luck protection should be a thing in this game.
Oh, may bad that I was in school back then and couldn’t make it to every raid.
The point remains that bad luck protection should be added. I don’t think most people had an issue with the Dinar system that was added at the end of SL(except for the lack of the sylvanas bow but blizz hates hunters so I digress). At least for the Dinar system, there was an end in sight to the farming for whatever it was you wanted. You still had to kill 50 raid bosses I believe, so it wasn’t handed out, but bad luck protection needs to be added in one way or another.
To be honest the only mounts really worth getting now are the dragon ones. With the all dragon-flying about to happen you have the opportunity to be showy. Show off the worldbreaker dragon, the uncorrupted voidling, the timelost dragon, that makes sense…
But grinding for so long to get invincibles reigns? Thats neat and all. You’ll use it for like a week or it ends up being your transport mount because you can’t fly. Is it really worth it in the end?
True this topic doesn’t limit to cosmetics, Dinar system was AWESOME for gearing…and something similar could work better that the dissapointment vault.
The hope is they add dragonriding to all mounts. I would certainly ride Invincible on my DKs and dark rangers. I also read the Arthas book, so I’ve always wanted that mount ever since then.
Because they are using this strategy to try to get people to play more hours to get the things they want (or need). It’s intended to show a spike that they can imply is an illustration of a trend in player activity.
While they are no doubt aware that a certain number of players will burn out or just give up over such obvious attempts at manipulation, I think they are still convinced that “Those people won’t actually leave/will be back next week/next patch/next expansion”, even as the numbers suggest that people aren’t coming back.
As far as stuff has been seen its only for dragon mounts.
Imagine doing spinny spins and zoomies on the new turtle mount
It was the last season of SL and blizzard wanted us to go out with a bang with crazy cool ideas for the season.
Those are acceptable for gear not for cosmetics
People could have down mythic fated Sylvanas and it was so much easier cause the fated buffs literally made you win and people could have gotten their Sylvanas mythic mount
Just a Kodo on a cliffside elegantly jumping doing a 1250 into a canyon
ICC patch was a year before cataclysm pre patch
You went to school 52 weeks straight?
Also I cant be trying to dfend this tbh. I’ve spent the last year or two trying to get tomb and throne tmogs for my characters and every time something drops its ALWAYS FOR THE WRONG CLASS. Really wish thet made it to wherr if you do legacy raid you just auto unlock whatever piece you got
*all flying mounts
Sorry, should have clarified. But I think it would be amusing, or they just don’t do certain animations. Wouldn’t be the first time they skimped on animations haha
Why isn’t it acceptable for cosmetics? Not everyone wants the bis trinket and instead wants the cosmetic appearance that drops from the boss. Loot is loot. Let the player decide what they want to spend their bad luck protection on. And yes, I have the mythic sylvanas mount.
it doesn’t feel good, it’s not rewarding
Does it anyway
Y’all suffer from something ngl, I’m a collector and a really enjoy grinding stuff out, but here is the thing, if I’m not enjoying it for some reason/I don’t want the thing/I don’t have the time, I just wont do it…
Y’all really entitled, the game NEEDS hard to get stuff, if you could get anything in a few days it would be meaningless
Gigachad comment
My guy, you’re being purposly dense. Of course I didn’t and back then I had to share the computer with my siblings so I couldn’t play whenever I wanted. But again, my luck is trash which is why I and others are advocating for bad luck protection.
Im totally dragonriding on the rocket turtle then…no one can stop me.
Nobody says few days…it’s a middle ground that could be accomplish by different ways, take a look at covenant mounts that had a bad luck protection vendor. Or the Legion legendaries that had an increase drop for each failled attempt during world / instance content. There’s a big difference between handouts and progress besides pure RNG, You need to take in consideration players with 1-2 character and how some rewards don’t consider the fact that the content will get old later and there’s less players in the area…etc
Nothing should take more than…like…a week or two tops to get. In the end its a video game. Meant to take a finite amount of time for you to play and enjoy. Dedicating a whole year to farming somethinf just doesnt make sense…
Hell doing Doom 3 on Nightmare didn’t take me more than a few hours.