I would like to point out that it’s been five (5) days since you posted this OP and AV is still alive and kicking. Shoot, there’s even Alliance in there.
Let’s not forget that any interruption of the druid summoning will stop the summoning. And then 9/10 times break it so that no matter how many people show up or how long you try to summon after the interruption, it’s perma bugged. No Treesus that game.
You would find it comical, seeing as SPGY is leaps and bounds better than FW, with the cave virtually right above it and the alliance best-choke-in-the-BG bridge merely steps away. The insanity is that you lot think that all of those things are disadvantages.
Which makes it absurdly easy to retake if it gets captured, primarily because you have a spawn point virtually right above it.
And? How is that worse than FW?
Aaaaand take a good look at the distance from the horde cave to FW’s spawn point compared to the distance between alliance cave and SP spawn point. Move the horde cave above FWGY like the alliance cave is above SP, and it might be more equal. YOU CAN LITERALLY RUN FROM YOUR CAVE AND DROP DIRECTLY ONTO THE SPAWN POINT
Here’s the thing: The main objective of the game is nearest and within the bases, which alliance have an absurdly huge advantage, especially since the backdoors have been closed. Harping about a nearly midfield graveyard is pitiful. Especially when that GY/choke is immediately neutered once anything south of it goes grey or blue, and the horde are split between defenses.
Are you suggesting that it takes the entire alliance team to defend the bridge? Especially now that there are no backdoors?
Well for one thing the alliance cave isn’t right above SPGY, to get to the actual flag alliance have to either drop into the GY area which is a death trap leading to the flag or go the long way around and take road to the flag which is also a defendable bottle neck and runs into horde rezzing at SHGY. Whereas horde have a straight flat run from their cave to FWGY which is wide open to assault.
Not to mention that by the time SPGY or the DB are even a factor alliance are already trapped north with no hope of getting out because horde have SHGY.
AV is already dead to me, but seeing the same few players defend this broken map is crazy. If it wasn’t broken, horde wouldn’t be sitting in 2 hour queues to play it.
No, they’d be sitting in 2 hour queues either way. The simple fact is that Horde who PvP massively outnumber Alliance who PvP. AV, AFAIK, offers the best honor if you’re going to be in long queues no matter what BG you get in. You might be able to get more by spamming quick games in the other BGs, but that only works out if you can actually spam them, instead of waiting 1+ hours for a single game of WSG.
The population stats across all servers that used to be linked showed that overall the factions are not all that unbalanced, but rather Alliance tending to play on PVE servers and Horde on PVP. It is pretty clear that it is a participation issue.
Separate the server groupings into PVP and PVE and players on PVE servers would see alliance with comically high queue times.
no im suggesting if either team is pushed all the way to the other teams base and most of the other team are still inside the games over and yes if you push to the alliance bridge as horde chances are your their last gy is beyond that bridge
Is back capping really that foreign a concept for alliance? I mean, lets imagine the ENTIRE alliance team is in the alliance base and horde are across the bridge. The bridge choke is MASSIVELY defensible. It literally takes only a couple mages and frost traps to allow the 2 towers and Elite NPC to block it. The rest of the team could easily hop out of the base and make a bee-run directly south and recap every single objective along the way.
If horde are up north, who exactly is defending IB that you cannot get through? Are you for real dude? Maybe you truly DON’T understand what backcapping is.