The horde complained about pre-mades, which were the only way the alliance could overcome the MASSIVE horde map advantage. Devs immediately jumped on the problem and the Ally loss rate jumped to 85%! The HPH/rankers with all the good gear left the high loss rate BG. Then AB came out and the ranking allies had much better things to do than shorten Horde que times for what quickly became a 95% loss rate BG as the Horde decided it was time to finally play some defense.
Then most of the allys queing AV were only going for rep while suffering a 99% loss rate (my personal experience was 129 games and only 2 of those were a win.) During every one of those games was the toxic chat of hating on the reppers and people wanting to know why we couldn’t win (must be cause ALL ally’s suck at pvp right?) But not 1 single ally in any of those 129 games said they were having lots of fun and would be back after exalted.
Then the Horde, whose queue times had just exploded on them, started playing scorched earth tactics. No allys able to take towers, gy, or even LT’s. Still a 99% loss rate for the allies and nearly no honor, the only reason to go as alliance was for rep.
And then they fixed the druids. By fixed I mean, the druids now walk when they are supposed to. 1/40 times they actually make it to mid. 9/10 of the times they actually make it, ANY interruption of the summons permanently breaks the druids for the rest of the game and unable to summon Treesus, so I guess the devs could make them walk but not make them function the way they are supposed to. Awesome! Now AV is maybe 300 honor and 100 rep per game for alliance. And with AQ coming out, the rep rewards aren’t nearly as good as they used to be. So even those that even entertained the thought of coming back on an alt for rep have decided it’s not worth the 2 min queue time to go.
I’ve read all the “Ally could win if they didn’t suck and it’s totally not the maps fault you lose” arguments and we all know it’s crap. If all ally sucked at pvp and all horde were amazing with their pvp racials, then the loss rate in all 3 BG’s would be 99% for ally. They aren’t.
Bottom line. AV is broken for alliance and your queue times are only going to get longer. Cheers!