AV after the "Fixes"

There are obvious behavioral and situational differences between the two. While I generally agree the player are the same, the situations they navigate are different, which leads to different behaviors. The first thing an instant queue Vs, an hour and a half queue. When you can fit 3 games inside of someone elses 1 game, the person playing that 1 game will treat it more seriously on average. This is something the Alliance don’t have to deal with at all, so the option of checking out of a bad match is way more available to them.


Just don’t play av. Problem solved. There is no content in the game right now that is so hard that it requires you to get gy/camped all the way to exalted for an item

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I am trying to rep grind. A loss is 100 rep a win is 1000 rep. So a near 0% win rate in a scenario that should be balanced is quite frustrating.

Perhaps I’m not using a “point of view” ie opinion. But factual observation from the 12hrs+ of play in a single day. Granted that’s only 1 day and a weekend. There were occasionally 1-2 in the mines, they were moving though so I assumed either taking the mines, which often happened. Or doing their harpy quest in that cave. I’m purely speaking from the alliance side though. I did actually see more horde AFK than I did alliance.

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So let’s just be honest here.

A couple million people on one side of the game are hive minded, similarly skilled to members of that same side, but their mindset leads them to success.

A couple million people on the other side are also similarly minded and skilled. Their mindset leads them to loss.


The map is blatantly imbalanced.

Yea. That’s a lot more realistic. I agree.


All my losses we were very near 1k rep or well over. The one win, which took 1h 29m was well over 2k rep in a single round.

I meant “point of view” literally, as in…what is in front of my eyes. A factual observation like your own. I am not disagreeing with you about what you saw, but the consensus is that the Alliance has a participation issue.


The consensus is that the map balancing is the chief alliance issue.

Again-you want to talk about the symptoms instead of addressing the real issue causing those symptoms.

That is natural. I’d want to keep a near 100% win rate too.


Come on now, we’ve had a pretty decent conversation up to this point, dont start with

This nonsense. If you spent any time reading this thread you will see that I have argued for some changes and actively want a healthier AV meta.

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But are you having fun? Video games should be fun unless you are getting monetarily compensated for it.

If I am being honest, your post has no substance and is just you repeating the map is broken with no analysis of that what so ever. You are ignoring major factors that contribute to why things are the way they are, while hammering away at the one thing you personally experience. I’m not impressed.

Also, there aren’t “millions” playing AV not now not ever. At the time of this post there are approximately 2, 320 people in AV across all US servers. If your margin for error for simple counting is that far off, I seriously question your ability to mathematically understand the greater ramifications of the map, especially when you willfully ignore other under lying factors.

That isn’t to say the map is perfect, but I have played it from both sides and it never once prevented me from winning a game as either faction. When my team was better we won, and when my team was worse we lost.

Your advocacy comes from a position of intellectual dishonesty.

Refer back to my findings regarding pug v pug wsg games. I’d say that I’ve won about half of those.

Pug v pug AV

Same exact players, dramatically different results.

Pretending that a few afk’ers making that sort of impact is just that. Pretending.

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AVs been slowly getting better. alliance was hurt bad by premades. itll take a while to gain that confidence back again, but its getting better.

alot of the problem right now is very few games actually try to go for a win. again, a problem caused by the honor per hour crowd (prioritizing lietenants over a win strategy)

the recent afk bans helped too.

i dont play AV much anymore, but had first alliance win in a while. really fun game, about 1 hour. so its getting better (now if they would just fix WG)

And now you’ve dumpstered right into insults. That is unfortunate.

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I like your verbiage, but you are not reading what I am presenting to you. A couple million was a figure pulled out of thin air to illustrate to you how ridiculous the claim is that the player base for each faction is in any way different than the other, which is the claim you made.

Here it is. You are looking at this situation as a skill related issue.

It isn’t. At the risk of being accused of not providing substance again- it’s the map.


I see no insults. If you feel insulted, that was never my intent.

You are arguing past me and I want so much to bring you back in line with the original intent of this thread.

Collective skill


Mechanical issue

That’s it.

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I would like if you were correct. But that is not my experience.

The Majority of my AV’s in the last month have been :

“All rush IBGY”… where Alliance gets slaughtered, and loses SH in the process…and we are fighting at SP within 5-10 minutes of the Game starting.

At that point we are often 10-15 people actually fighting and everyone else stops fighting.

How do you explain this behavior?

I had a few even where the LEader chat was calling for

“All go south, do not defend, do not cap anything Kill LT’s and lets the horde win for a fast game maximum honor”…

How do you explain that?

I had very few Games where all the raid fought and followed some kind of GY capturing plan.

This one here helped:

How to Win AV - As Alliance

But it happened maybe 5 times in a month.

How do you explain that?

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Guy posts losing strategy

Other guy blames map w/no thought on how things could be done different

The problem couldn’t be more clear, lol.

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You assume my position by saying I only want to win 100% of the time and then say that when I argue, it is from a place of intellectual dishonesty. Basically trying to tell me that you don’t take me at face value and that i’m lying. I am not sure how to take that as anything but an insult.

Now, for the map. I 100% agree Alliance are queuing up believing the map is unfair towards them, and that they’re not participating because of that. It might be true, it might not be…but the fact is people are not participating and that is why they’re losing. It is real hard to judge map balance when a significant portion of a team is not playing.