Ask your questions for the WoW Q&A here!

Too bad this question is so far down. I think everyone wants to know what the criteria are for flying in Shadowlands.

Why don’t we have a free name change. When will we get it

When will we get an upgrade to be able to create more Characters per Realm? As we all have had 50 Create your Character spots for as long as I can remember and new Races have been made in game but we have never been able to make more than 50 Characters unless we have to delete a toon to create a new one…=(

Just thought I’d throw this up here since it sort of pertains to the pinned post.

The majority of PVP players loved the PVP gearing system in Warlords of Draenor, are there plans to bring PVP gearing more in line with that system?

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Are there any plans to add more visual options for Shadow Form? Unlike other “forms” it doesn’t actually do very much besides provide a damage bonus that could just as easily be baked in to the class abilities rather than reliant on a form we’re forced to use. So I guess you could say my hope is that you’re looking to add more visual options to Shadowform for those who want less obstrusive options AND maybe also looking in to options to make the form more impactful.


It would be nice to see hakima pants for cloth wearers instead of just tights.

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hell no, gen 1 ranker here. start from scratch you filthy casuals.

Is Blizzard aware that SL is a steaming pile of a time-gated walk everywhere unrewarding expansion that hammers you into quests for any type of advancement? PVP rewards is a great example where you must fight twink teams that end the match in a few minutes due to burst and unbalanced classes while providing you zero benefits of random BG’s other than inferior gear and more grinding.


1 - el chaman podrĂĄ usar armas de dos manos de nuevo :frowning: ? por favor
2 - pondrĂĄn una clase nueva de celadora <3 ?

Are there any plans to add moonkin customization options?


As devs said they will keep adding new customizations to the current races and update now the allied races with the coming patches, is there any chance that the hero classes (Death Knight & Demon Hunter) receive some new unique appearences as well?

Like new horns, visible wings for DH, runic tattoos, frost rime on face for DK?


If classic is going to progress to TBC will we eventually progress to Wrath of the Lich King too?

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When can we expect to see a rework to the LFG system? Will we see a solo queue feature for rated PvP?


Will there be a way to speed up potion crafting? It’s taking me a couple hours to finish when it used to be about 1/2 of the time I believe.

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Is there any hope that you guys will be balancing covenant abilities for both pve and pvp?

I chose night fae on my monk and faeline stomp is just wildly unbeneficial compared to convoke/mindgames/divine-toll/hunt and all these other burst covenant abilities for pvp.

It costs so much mana I can’t even really use it on MW for pve/pvp and even if I do it doesn’t change the game at all. It is mediocre on brewmaster. On ww it doesn’t help on boss fights whatsoever. It is basically like a trap talent choice and the regret is high.

Will you buff these underperforming covenant abilities to the same levels as the outstanding ones or is our sole hope that we have to change covenants and regrind a massive amount of hours?

Until these abilities are balanced it has really turned the system into a lack of choice, just traps.

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If you do Classic TBC will it be with the original batch windows or the updated 1.13.7 window currently being tested? If the latter, will you be artificially enabling seal twisting in Classic TBC as well?


I’m curious as to whether or not the rest of the racial heritage armors are still in the works, and/or whether or not you have any plans to add more allied races in the future?

Thank you for your time!

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I thought the missing link was the dreadlords and Denathrius being a dreadie? Chronicles (3) specifically mentions the dreadlords here.

The hypothesis being (hang on!) that the Dreadlords infiltrated many different groups, feeding information to the Jailer, who

  1. was present to capitalize on the Legion’s plan to conquer Azeroth: (Jailer wants it, and when the time came to become part of that, he had his minions -dreadlords - craft armor/weapons that would be wielded by the in-Azeroth Lich King/Nerzhul).

  2. Jailer planted the Light-dreadlord (whose name escapes me) to help see the Legion overthrown - no longer needed the Legion.

  3. Varimathras as the Jailer’s eyes/ears on Azeroth and learned that Sylvanas could be manipulated so he somehow ensured her soul went to the Maw when she jumped off Icecrown Citadel (maybe a nod to when/if the Jailer was the original Arbiter, before he was imprisoned in the Maw, and thus able to direct souls where to go?) because he knew he was going to be captured and needed someone in Azeroth to supply the maw with loooots of anima - azeroth being rich with life/spirit to do so. Arthas had failed to do this adequately, so he needed someone else - Sylvanas.


We have 6 tanks, 5 healers and 12 DPS classes. Are there plans on the horizon to bring more healing classes to WoW, or are you happy with the spread available?