Ask your questions for the WoW Q&A here!

Are you considering fixing mob pathing and LoS exploits to lower the influence of botters and create a better sense of community between players?

Why is Legion content still time/rep-gated?
It’s been four years since the expansion launched, and I still have to put in a lot of work on every alt for their Balance of Power artifact skin.

Have you considered scaling the dungeons so one person could solo them?

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The lack of any nuanced character responses to the Burning of Teldrassil was really disappointing for many; no Horde characters aside from Saurfang were given any opportunity to react, and the Night Elves’ response was entirely glazed over in the aftermath. Is there any effort being made by the teams to craft a better approach to story telling with large narrative events like the War of Thorns?

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Has anyone noticed the giant sword in Silithus?


My Question is a bit more of a suggestion really but in question form, Why do legacy sets and raids in general need to still be behind a weekly lock? i understand BFA and Shadowlands but everything before BFA really needs to not be locked weekly since drop chances are kinda bad for certain things it’s super dusty content let the loot go.

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u cant send ur gears to u char not the it get it , y cant u send ur gears

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Class cosmetic slots? I loved having a quiver as a hunter back in the day and was sad when it left. I still only transmog artifact bows on my hunters to have the quiver back now. I would love to see the expanding transmog styles to include more class fantasy based looks… of course like pally books etc… in this respect I do love the ever growing looks for our characters from vanilla to now. thank you

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Any plans on new battlegrounds? They could use a fresh coat of paint - aside from Seething Shore and Ashran, the latest ones were added nearly a decade ago.

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Sorry third but last question - will Forsaken finally be given our upright position for character customization?

Hey guys!
In the future, will there ever be more glyphs that could alter the appearance of spells?
The old arcane missiles and chaos bolt animations come to mind specifically.
Of course visual clarity is something you guys want to strive for, but I’m sure myself and many others would love to have the smoothness of those old spells back someday.


Hey blizzard, I’ve been a long time fan of PVP and with PVP at one of it’s most enjoyable points right now, its less than ideal to see systems like LFG in place. Would you consider adding solo queue for PVP?


This may seem nitpicky, but will there ever be an orange skin for Channel Demonfire?
Switching off green fire as a destro lock and still having a green spell really irks me.

Q: Why Druid Ferals cant get same utility as Balance in PvE ?

I have been playing WoW since 2004 and enjoy playing very much. I do not participate in PvP and find that achievements I would like to complete have a PvP element to them. My question is why should those of us who do not participate in PvP be unable to complete achievements such as “Merrymaker” “Hallowed be thy name” which make it difficult to achieve the Violet proto-drake awarded for the achievement “What a long, strange trip it’s been”

With the mention that we may see tier sets with set bonuses returning at some point this expansion, could it be possible for this reintroduction to also come to Mythic+ Keystone Dungeons? I’d love to have a set that could help me and my friends deal with the affixes (especially seasonal) and challenges we face in dungeons.

Classic TBC.

Besides the release date question

  1. Which patch will Classic TBC start with? There were several content nerf patches. Some were good, others diminished the experience of dungeons and raiding.
  2. What will be the stance on fixing bugs in Classic TBC? Classic started with #nochanges but then some bugs were fixed that existed in the original reference client. I personally loved many of the bugs that were fixed.
  3. There is significantly more gold in the WoW Classic economy on many servers compared to Vanilla. How will you ensure that the WoW TBC economy isn’t immediately affected by many characters with 10’s of thousands of gold? Thinking of challenges to barrier to entry for new players to Classic TBC.
  4. Will there be free character transfers before TBC release, to encourage natural server rebalancing? Allow characters to transfer from high population realms, but not to high population realms. Encourage players on very low population servers to migrate to another medium population server.

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Wenzli from Moon Guard and Wyrmcrest Accord here:

My Question is in regards to Allied Race customization. Will Mechagnomes see an overhaul to their limited situation?

Currently; their leg and arm choices had made them extremely unappealing physically. the lack of paint colors, armor textures, and the lack of assymetrical design makes them one of the least favorite races.


After all this time of gathering mounts, many which fly, when do we get to fly in SL and what will the criteria be to obtain it?

Thank you