Ask your questions for the WoW Q&A here!

We saw a lot more LGBTQIA+ representation than we’re used to in WoW, which is a good thing and nice to see! What spurred the decision to include those plot points in Shadowlands (e.g. Pelagos, Flynn and Matthias, Thiernax and Qadarin) and will we see more representation moving forward?


The tanking kite meta is horrible. What are you doing to make tanking tanking?

The targeted nerfs to certain mobs has not really helped, as it is typically the horribly scaling M+ affixes that are doing the harm - bolstering, necro, tyrannical, fortified, raging, inspiring, sanguine, storming … all hell on tanks.

I agree with you on this one; If I could play any PvE content like raids or mythic+ with people of the opposite faction then there’d only be a benefit of having a bigger player pool to play with and basically no downsides outside of coming up with a good lore reason to do it.


My question is, will enhancement/resto shamans ever see the return of earth shock, it was such an iconic ability for awhile, and it just disappeared from all but ele, i know its a spender for ele, but could be a filler for enhance or even an execute, and also will we ever get more interaction with maelstrom weapon, like the hailstorm talent or will it just always be instant cast spells

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Why is Tab-Targeting still garbage after 16 years?

Can we ever expect to see actual allied races that we have been allied with for years?! Frostborn Dwarves, Taunka, the gaggles of Trolls etc…,

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Where was the inspiration for Lilith drawn from?

Why can we not skin people (like venythr) skinners have rights too we should be able to skin how we want when we want i mean come on Venythr have leathery skin anyway and why can’t we gather everythings bones i wanna make a bone profit. bone armor bone mount come on blizz imagine it. Why can’t i skin worgens they are dirty doggos anyway if i can collect bones in shadowlands why no archology for shadowlands i wanna know about the ancient cults and past of the venthyr.TLDR let us skinners have rights we deserve to skin the leathery venthyr

Why not add a reroll with valor points for the vault?

What are your plans to revamp the Rated PvP Matchmaking / Rating system, so it does not penalize higher rated players if the group has lower rated players?

Is there any consideration for adding a Looking For Group system for Rated PvP?

Is there a chance you would implement a currency conversion system for Shadowlands? Like you could convert soul ash into anima if you needed anima and vice versa.


can we have “Likes” for in game chat?, the world is a much better place with them !

Recently Taliesin produced a fantastic idea on how the “main” Covenant races could become playable races. Any chance this will be implemented, and we can play as Venthyr, Kyrians, etc.?


Can we have time walking raids in LFR? Just like dungeons are, but raids.


Are there any plans for more mode-specific talents or other customizations that would allow for more tuning without disrupting the balance in other modes? More specifically, will we see anything like mythic plus or raid specific talents like those already for pvp? For example, giving Arms Warriors Shockwave as a mythic plus talent like they used to have as a regular talent would greatly help their being competitive in mythic plus without disrupting pvp or raid.


Are there any plans to add the old Recruit-a-friend rewards back, or make them available through the Shop? (Namely the X-53 Touring Rocket, and the Heart of the Nightwing)


not so much a question but more of a thank you!

Now, I, had, the time of my lifeee and I owe it all to youuuu! <-eighty’s song reference. Ok, little to much? I’ll take it back and reserve it for my wife.

Seriously, I am having a lot of fun playing shadowlands, and am thoroughly impressed with it, and you deserve the thanks! some things that stand out are :

  • torghast -its nice to have a solo-able dungeon crawl experience, really enjoy this!
  • covenants - vampires yes!
  • more puzzle chests
  • adventure campaign
  • jumping into the maw , yelling “Geronimo !”, I have a macro for that!
  • loads more

Thank you to everyone who worked on making such a great product!

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Why has Mount Hyjal never been released in classic? I know it was released at Cataclysm, but that’s after it’s been destroyed. And why is there a big crater & a second onyxia entrance in that area as well?

With WoW now split into two fanbases, classic and retail any thoughts on releasing Warcraft 4 and beyond with official canon story campaigns of the world of warcraft and expansion stories to those who prefer rts?