Any allied races going to be announced at blizcon?

Does anyone think any allied races will be announced during blizzcon this year?


Hope so! But, I doubt it. If they add any I expect it towards the end of the expac


Probably not, but I’ll hope and dream of Ethereals.


I’ll be thinking snakey thoughts.



I’m sure they are bound to run out of time gated unlockables at some point and resort to an allied race.


I doubt it. There’s no real story build up for any yet and I’d imagine they’re more focused on continuing the customization options for current races.


I hope not, when are allied races going to stop then? After 100+ races? And somehow alliance get the ones with bad racials and horde get more Op racial races?


Hopefully never. Every race we see in game should be playable imo.


They said they don’t make sense for the initial story of the Shadowlands. So unless we are leaving and going back to Azeroth already in 9.1, I would say no. Very little chance of it happening.

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There’s also the issue of alliance and horde helping the covenants, and past races. And yet blizzard hates neutral race option, so they would give them to either ally or horde under some BS reason(looking at nightborne…helped by both, hates alliance cause of Tyrande).


They’re going to announce that they’ve finally started the task of completing the Nightborne.


So get rid of factions. They’re holding the game back anyways.


And I’ll be thinking crabby thoughts. I want the crab people in this game to be playable.

Ion already said he won’t, he sees alliance vs horde as the flasgship symbolism of WoW forevermore. End of BFA was the perfect chance to make everyone friendly…but nope. This PVP thing is forcing us to continue being enemies.

Ion says so many things that it’s hardly worth listening to him at this point.

I’ll still hope that they’ll finally admit the “Alliance vs Horde” motif is long since played out and move the game forward sometime soon.


What? Alliance Allied Races have some of the best racials in the entire game! Horde Allied Race racials are horrible by comparison. Honestly, racials is the only thing most Alliance Allied Races have going for them.


Horde - Ogres
Alliance - Dalaran Humans


I truly hope not.

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There’s kind of a practical issue with that too, along with a lore clashing one. Building up all those races to be playable with workable models, customizations, animations, classes and gear, starting zones, and all that fun stuff would drain a massive amount of time and resources.

Nothing else would get done for other content. You could play any race, but you’d just afk in SW for all else there is to do. :sweat_smile:

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Yes cause LF having to die to activate their racial is sooooo good…right? The only good races we got now are dark iron dwarves and mechagnomes, but even then they butchered the bleed to not be purgable in nathria. While they left blood elf racial to be abused in one BFA raid fight to get rid of mobs easily…while alliance had to do it the normal way.