As a Non-LFR Player - Slime Cat SHOULD be in LFR

Where are your parses? Oh that’s right your hiding them or don’t have them…

It’s sad that gaslight has lost all meaning because people have decided to frequently misuse the word.

Say if it was in LFR wouldn’t blizzard gate LFR like they normally do as in like only 1 new wing per rotation. weeks 1-3 1 wing, weeks 4-6 2 wings, weeks 7-9 3 wings weeks 10-12 4 wings,

making it take 12 weeks of doing LFR to get it?

You got me, bud. Well done. You came in here, showed your low reading comprehension, and found me out! I have no parses! I haven’t even hit max level yet! And I would’ve gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids!!

Keep gatekeeping the slime mount to normal - apparently, LFR is too easy for you but normal is difficult enough for you. :wink:

Are they time-gating mythic fates raids?

Nobody is gatekeeping except blizzard here friend sooner you come to terms with that the sooner you will stop crying about your mount or lack their of

They didn’t say but they always have in the past.

No need to come to terms with it. I voiced my opinion, that is all. That is what the forums are for. To provide feedback and opinions.

You’re also welcome to make your own threads. Someone above already noted you’ve been trolling these threads for days now. Just make your own thread, voice your opinion, and leave it alone. Someone being able to get the mount from LFR doesn’t impact you at all. Changing it would be positive for so many people and have a neutral effect on so many others like you and me. Why NOT make the change? Especially in a meme season anyway.

Lack their of? Yikes.


When is the last time you even set foot in LFR? Real question.

I learned how to play in MoP in LFR with a friend and ultimately worked up to normal and heroic raids. I often take Alts (when I can play them) into LRF for gear to make the world a little easier.

LFR is much easier as far as mechanics or even lack of mechanics……this is true. However, to say it’s easy is disingenuous at best. The challenge of LFR lies in the RNG of players you get, including;
Don’t know the fight
Experienced player on Alts
People trying a new class
People only there to troll
And some AFK

That’s the difficulty. There is less to do and if you have a decent portion of the group that knows the basics, many can die or ask and you’re good. However, if you don’t, it will be a wipe fest. And SL LFR still has plenty of mechanics that can wipe the group if people don’t listen. I saw this when I took my warrior Alt and wiped on Anduin when the tanks kept pulling him out of the healing area on the ground. It was a tight fight to finish and we did kick 2 afk people to get it done.

The benefits include doing the raid in bits and pieces as your schedule allows. I use to run it all the time on Alts when I could. LFR is great for people who want it. Stop judging.

There is NO GOOD reason to keep the Slime Kitty Mount out of LFR. I know a lot of people that may not get it and it bums me out.

Put that mount back in LFR please.


About a month into this patch when I was trying to get tier so not that long ago

You can literally do this with the regular group finder…

Then you know it isn’t that easy unless you’re lucky with your group comp.

When half the raid dies on the first boss cause they don’t get in the bubble and we still kill the boss then yes it is very easy

Hilarious considering normal and heroic won’t take much more effort than LFR the way we overgear it even with the 30% tuning buff for the raids, hence there being no good reason not to add LFR for those people with time restraints etc…who need to be able to queue in times that fit them. Also don’t think this impacts me I have a guild and hate LFR with a passion but trying to argue that LFR takes no skill when normal and heroic exist and take almost no effort right now is dumb.

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2 truest of words!!! GIT GUD!

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Sensation, the completion achievements for every raid always mention “any difficulty”, actually you can boost a character, buy some gear with anima and run LFR and you’ll notice that each boss that you kill on each wing provides progress to your raid achievement.

the game doesn’t have completion achievements exclusive to normal, it’s shared with LFR. Therefore, these new achievements that are also for completing the raid but with an affix were consider for both difficulties for a lot of players.

Maizou, thanks for your post, unfortunately similar to the 500mount achievement your thread has like 20+ comment but only between CC members, Devs should at least reply with some changes or embrace their decisions and provide more inputs regarding their “reward philosophy” behind a specific difficulty, there’s a lack of communication with rewards devs.

Sensation, the completion achievements for every raid always mention “any difficulty”, actually you can boost a character, buy some gear with anima and run LFR and you’ll notice that each boss that you kill on each wing provides progress to your raid achievement.

Maybe I misspoke as I was typing from my phone, but my point was more reward based achievements/content.

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You mean, content like running through a raid? Which LFR is as well. The ONLY thing this change of removing it from LFR does is published people who aren’t part of the, overall small, portion of the game’s players that clear raids beyond LFR.

There are MUCH fewer raiding guilds than there are guilds for RP or just folks that want to have fun together, as modern day raiding is, for most, not a fun thing between logistics of getting enough people, coordinating what night that will be between IRL for everyone, hoping no one gets sick during the pandemic waves constantly ongoing…yeah, nah, 100%, this is a HORRIBLE choice on the part of bliz as they are, effectively, saying only the hardcore player base should get fun rewards, no one else.

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hard agree
no reason to gate it

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It’s far more likely that they originally weren’t going to have Fated LFR at all and Normal would have been the lowest difficulty setting for the Fated Raid system. It would explain why there’s only three tiers of rewards and how “any” managed to exclude LFR.