As a Non-LFR Player - Slime Cat SHOULD be in LFR

my opinion I think it is everyone’s opinion is that the mount must be in lfr because it will be a mess to put it in mythical or another difficulty that is not lfr since the mount should be free by wow community request also not to pay aotc scammers or paying someone a carry

i think it should be in LFR but for NONE of these reasons lol

God because Blizz doesn’t want to understand that it only harms the wow community if they don’t put the mount on lfr I don’t want to pay carry scammers for having to remove the mount

just because you pay someone for something you want doesnt make them a scammer champ

It makes them masters of the scam and they will all be selling mount carry when that should have prevented Blizz

yeah thats not what a scam is my dude

Non raiders, pvpers, and M+ players tend to not matter to Blizzard or the elitist gatekeeping community.

Except it really isn’t. Anduin isn’t even close to the same fight on NORMAL as it is on LFR. LFR Anduin is practically impossible to wipe in because they removed all the ways to fail.

  1. The marks don’t do actual damage so the mechanic can be ignored (and most melee do).
  2. The downstairs phase with splitting the groups is completely gone so you are GUARANTEED a full bar during LK phase.
  3. Missing a kick on the adds isn’t an auto wipe because they removed the fear attached.
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Your comment is funny because you are defending the scammer

I think we have a language barrier here.
People selling runs arent scammers.

you also edited the quote from me, so you are a disingenuous liar

Obviously I am going to defend those who can least access the mount that should be free, so I think it would be best if they put it on finder

You mean, content like running through a raid? Which LFR is as well. The ONLY thing this change of removing it from LFR does is published people who aren’t part of the, overall small, portion of the game’s players that clear raids beyond LFR.

There are MUCH fewer raiding guilds than there are guilds for RP or just folks that want to have fun together, as modern day raiding is, for most, not a fun thing between logistics of getting enough people, coordinating what night that will be between IRL for everyone, hoping no one gets sick during the pandemic waves constantly ongoing…yeah, nah, 100%, this is a HORRIBLE choice on the part of bliz as they are, effectively, saying only the hardcore player base should get fun rewards, no one else.

I mean you’re using egregious hyperbole and disingenuous statements to divide players. This has nothing to do with hardcore players. It’s a cosmetic mount for grouping up with other players in the game.

Where is the outrage for m+ mounts for doing all 15s, why make it 15s? Make it for doing all m0s. What about gladiator mounts? Make it for doing 10 arena wins. As you can tell by my last 2 statements, such hyperbole gets us nowhere :p.

you edit comment quotes

you are a scammer

There is an subject to change clause in the ptr’s for a reason. The developers have decided that awarding the mount as normal or higher. That should be the end of the discussion. If someone wants the mount. they just need to get into a group and run the raids.

there is only 2 options.

1.) join a raid (of normal or higher) and do your best,
2.) don’t join a raid. don’t get the mount.

They are absolutely the same bosses. Mechanics may differ, but they’re the same bosses.

Looking for RAID is a raid. It is listed as one of four difficulties of a raid. It is specifically called a raid by Blizzard in their original FAQ. It is not a lesser form of content. It’s only an easier version of the raid, just as Normal is easier than Heroic and Heroic is easier than Mythic.

:joy: It’s not to get angry, I’m just defending those who won’t be able to get the mount when Blizz should have left it for free

you edit quotes

you suck and i hope you never get the mount

Surprised no one mentions that LFR is actually harder than doing normal with any half decent group… for lesser rewards and now apparently not even the mount… which honestly, is a decent reward for having to do it in LFR for those who have no other option.

LFR isn’t harder then a half decent group of normal. Mechanically.
The difficulty in LFR is that noone cares about the mechanics. just my 2 cents

If I go into the game files and turn the target dummy model into Skolex’s model is it the real Skolex fight? I use this one as an example because even for patchwerk style fights, LFR Skolex is a literal target dummy where the only mechanic that KIND OF matters is the tank swap. DPS can blatantly ignore every single mechanic and kill the boss. I know, because there are always DPS that end the fight with max stacks due to never dropping them with the soak and it is more than healable.