Excluding the Slime Cat from LFR is not Okay

Except every PuG normal I’ve ever joined has less socialization than LFR.

I’m sick of Blizzard and non-casual players acting like LFR is just something people ignore and afk through - a lot of people enjoy it and enjoy socializing in it, and this was something a lot of people were looking forward to reinvigorating LFR. (NOTE: Socializing =/= Coordinating. I enjoy having casual conversations with people in the LFR, as do a lot of people.)

The ironic part, is probably 90% of the people I See afking in LFR are the endgame players who think it’s below them, and if you call them out they bring up how high their ilvl is.

Then you’d lose half the raid team the first time you clear normal.

At that point, it’s not even supporting socializing, it’s supporting using your friends to meet your goal - which should not be something that Blizzard supports.

How about adding incentives to raid Normal and LFR, instead of yoinking a nice treat that was incentive to do the raid in any difficulty, and then claim it was always meant to be Normal only?

Then they should have made it clear THREE MONTHS AGO when wowhead and many others reported it as any difficulty - we know dang well the devs read these sites, so they KNEW players expected it from LFR.

At this point, the only acceptable compromise is either telling us it’ll be available from LFR later in the season or outright adding it back to any difficulty, including LFR.

To reiterate - the issue is the devs knowingly let us expect it for the last 3 months only to yank it out from beneath us less than a week before the season started.

This is the issue. Not the fact they want something special for Normal. The fact they knowingly let us believe it would be in LFR for 3 months. They had 3 months to tell us it would be Normal Only. They didn’t.