Arms warrior L M A O

I want a long chain on my giant sword so i can whip it around and still hit things.


just keep the chains and be like ghost rider or spawn bro and smack people with chains lmao. D3 barbarian did it so can we.

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Would be cool to throw an anchor point like spear of bastion and create a chain between us and the anchor, then drag it around and knock down anyone who passes through it.
Throw chain spear > intervene healer to drag chain through a big group of people. More fun than just a “press button, do stun” ability.

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not sure what drugs youre on

My only losses in arena yesterday were to arms warrior. One arms warrior legit did more damage by himself then the other 3 DPS combined.

LMFAO what

i dont think its that bad
and last season i didnt think it was that good

Arms is still strong, you just actually have to try now. I only played Fury because Arms was so cheezy ez to get kills. Sure Fury is easy to play, but’s not an iwin button. I don’t feel sorry for you at all.

So apply ms and bleeds and wait for them to die now? Ok thanks for the wonderful skill input mr classic feral🤗

Hit them with the heavy stick until they stop moving. :dracthyr_love_animated: Grr.


Arms seems fine to me. Did a solo shuffle on Tuesday and an arms war was doing 50-55k dps every game, despite matches lasting like 4 mins. He also went 6-0.

So um, it may be a you issue if you are doing low dmg.

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Arms still pumps without running skullsplitter+max bleed build. But im keeping the secret sauce to myself :sweat_drops::innocent::innocent:

So you admit feral druids are bad and that it brings no results?

im saying warriors worse now :pensive:

also yea feral is bad but not in pvp so they dont get any buffs

I think itd be cool for arms if they brought back mortal combo. But if instead of overpower charges adding flat damage to it they added an extra swing of the mortal combo. Would be satisfying to press and cool.


Strange feral druids are deemed FOTM strong, but they used to pale before the almighty warriors. I guess the warrior nerfs were deserved.

you nerf arms and you get something way worse in the form of DW 2h weapons

I think the game was most balanced when mage was S+.

this isnt a thread for mages

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it’s a very clunky rotation. you have to place rend, then skullsplitter then place rend again like huh…