Emergency buffs to arms warrior

Okay, what more do you want?

  1. You already got 2 charges baseline and target-agnostic Heroic Leap. And your Charge can even be modified to AOE root WHILE doing damage!
  2. You now have Shockwave back in addition to Storm Bolt. Two stuns!
  3. You have Spellreflect, which is only available to one class of Melee and acts as a “Chaos Bolt” protection and an outplay mechanism.
  4. You have an AOE fear, which pretty much screws all Demo lock’s Tyrants
  5. Speaking of fear, you now have Tremor Totem
  6. You have upgraded Victory Rush through Impending Victory which heals you based on percentage of health bar. Every 25 freaking seconds! How?!
  7. You have Bladestorm, Avatar, Dwarf Racial, Gnome Racial and proc-Bladestorm to help you break roots and slow. And you can drop War Banner if you really get kited to move faster too!
  8. Most of you play with a Ret or DK, which either slows your target permanently or grant you freedom to help you connect. Oh wait, Piercing Howl is also a 70% slow and it’s freaking AOE at no cost of Rage!
  9. Oh, forgot about Ignore Pain, which not only absorbs but also reduces damage taken! What?!
  10. And speaking of more self-heal, your Bleed heals you, and you have passive 5% Leech
  11. And speaking of damage reduction, you have Defensive Stance against all types of damage (unlike DH’s passive against magical damage) at a relatively low tradeoff from damage.
  12. Even if you get kited all game, which really shouldn’t happen because of all the above and your healer dispel, whenever you connect, one Sharpen Blade-empowered Mortal Strike is all you need to instantly generate pressure.

So, what more buffs do you want?!