Arms warrior L M A O

Blizzard congrats on finally nerfing arms to the dirt by turning them into a feral druid. Bleed builds absolutely dumb and doesnt properly produce results. We wan MS build back. We just get kited and obliterated every game



No thank you


i want crushing assault back from BFA and i want mortal combo from slands. arms would be insane if they did that


Ya i think warrior needs a combination of slands condemn for uptime and survivability/damage as well as necro banner to fulfill their class identity of leading their team into battle. Off the gcd of course.
Also two charges of sharpen blade to match rogues shiv and increase skill expression.

Also buff spear so bleed build isnt the only thing they can play


Yeah they need to revert the nerfs to arms or give us more talent options instead of running the garbage bleed build. Arms has definitely fallen off majorly after the last few nerf cycles. It especially feels horrible into Wizards now. I benched my Arms warrior. I think they are going to continue to fall off.

arms is fine, fury is also good. warrior players just not used to having to do more than show up and collect points.

both specs do solid damage and are tanky, fury might even be too tanky. also great utility for the team.


Bro, let them throw their weapons 25 yards , making their ability semi ranged allowing these poor souls to finally have some uptime.

When will arms be viable?

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early patch tier lists were saying arms is like S+ tier and then i played one myself and was like “wow this feels like crap!”

definitely not what it used to be


yo out of the topic question:

does skullsplitter expire thing damage does more damage if deep wounds and rend have more remaining time?

Tbh, all arms warrior needs is that giga chad sword Sargeras himself used to stab Silithus with.


But yea on topic, bleed build feels clunky. I liked my OP/execute build better. You can still win tho, but you’re more like just an MS bot.

Yeah, which is why the ideal go might be to refresh rend, smash directly into skullsplitter.

Skullsplitter is the only thing awkward and that can always be swapped out.


I may have to do some experiment to see if spamming ignore pain to trigger tactician to do the double OP to MS combo is still viable. Just feels like I miss out on a couple of MS/OP globals cause I have to put rend in my regular rotation now.

To summarize:
Does bleed build really do more damage lol

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Here me out
Imagine that skullsplitter is now a passive effect the causes your next Mortal Strike to expire instantly but still does 65% dmg in pvp. Now you only need to press MS instead of 2 buttons but you lose that 15 extra rage from sks.
How OP would that be?

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Ret does everything Warrior can do but better. I can kill stuff from 20 yards away. kinda neat.


Tbh it should pulse like 2-5 ticks of both dw and rend every MS. Skullsplitter is a stupid talent idk why they keep pushing it

That sounds more than a little awkward. Maybe Mortal Strike causing Rend to tick once instantly?


Literally this is what they need to make it to make bleed builds viable. Playing a gcd game of musical cooldowns isnt fun

Skullsplitter is the only saving grace for someone who wants to focus on-demand damage. I’d have dropped Arms if not for it since I really disdain the idea of playing plate Feral.


So kinda like when you skullsplitter you cast MS? Yea id be all for that rather than having to apply rend before i skullsplit

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