Arms warrior L M A O

Ret feels so much more fun than arms sadly. All its buttons feel more impactful to push. Arms needs some combo cool stuff. Get creative blazzard the class is 20 years old and it shows.


they got creative and turned us into feral druids :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Nobody plays Warrior to Rot things.


except be the corpse rotting on the arena floor

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warrior is insane rn get it together dabdaddy


NGL the Ret tier makes me wish I’d been gearing mine, but I told myself I could only play 2 characters at 70 or else I will have no life this season :<

re-read the title

hey, us warriors who were given an ability called “slam” has their own set bonus now thats absolutely as garbage as casting slam even with all the specced nodes selected

dawg that was changed like two months ago shush

just checked, ye the changed it but GOD why did they do with MS like LMAO they legit killed the MS build the sets practically useless

Idk what y’all are on about skullsplitter is fun lol.

Deserved it.

missed opportunity for a legendary in BFA

kinda agree tbh. idk why people are upset about bleed build. Like it’s not the most thrilling experience of my life pressing a button that just does damage. But it has some more interesting conditions than just spamming MS and OP as they proc.

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Idk either because I’m pretty sure rend was always taken regardless of what you were running, since slam is trash :dracthyr_lulmao:

they really did tho

sure sounds good, lets do it

blizzard as a whole has failed to provide meaningful data to players. 99% of these topics are just rants which would be resolved by the player looking at stats.

go to drustvar solo shuffle stats, or mulrok meta class stats and you see arms is unquestionably A+/S tier.

4 Casters are blatantly over performing. with no DK’s to put them in place like last season, and casters scaling better than melee, it will only get worse.

Will arms join the ret rework dream of being pseudo ranged?

Don’t fool yourself. That sword does no damage. Rocks a fraction of that size destroy planets. That sword is made of pillows or something. Couldn’t even take out a single zone.

i mean we should have LONG spider arms its easy