Arms warrior L M A O

warlock ms sassy warlock with sassy warlock post

cant kill a warrior as a warlock? warriors are literally warlock punching bags

The gamerverse is oversaturated with use of the word “clunky” so i hate to use it but skullsplitter truely does feel clunky.


I know rend is such a heckin iconic ability but the “give your opponent a papercut” spell is so CRINGE

Sheeeeeeesh fr ON GAWD it truely does bees like that tho :pensive:

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if the shoe fits …

Might just be personal experience but playing melee into double caster feels way worse than playing caster into double melee. And playing double melee into double caster might feel worse

the likeliness that arms is still disgustingly overpowered is high and thus i will continue to ignore warrior propaganda

I pour my heart and soul into it, though. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

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Warriors in A+ tier for a quater of a patch and we get circle tugs already lmao.


Don’t stop though I’m thinking of rolling a war.

I feel it. I’m doing… Ooookay in arenas, but I feel like I don’t have enough pressure to close out a game, and our utility is on such a long CD that I cant reliably save my teammates if they’re getting mobbed hella hard.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m topping damage most games… But its all spread out. I feel like we don’t have as much zug potential lol

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Arms is fine stack mastery.

It consumes what ever damage it does for the time.

Skull splitter is a fantastic mechanic which should belong to feral druids not arms warriors. I love it on my warrior but can’t help but feel it’s a feral thang.

:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:
hate how people on these forums throw that word around like a rag doll “overpowered” nothing this xpac feels overpowered. maybe slightly over tuned yes but not overpowered so relax

lol arms being the 3rd best melee spec of the game and warriors crying for that is funny :relaxed: even while fury is also viable, imagine how all the others melees are perceiving the game