Arfus is massively disrespectful towards your players and their time

Why do players queue for the Headless Horseman Dungeon?
For a chance at a time limited reward.
Same as the Love Is In The Air dungeon.
Remove those incentives, and there’s no reason to have the content.

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Well, then it’s clearly failed game design when there’s literally no incentive other than “Keep people grinding for a mount for years without anything to show for”.

How? That’s how the game has always been, and people have always engaged. It’s always “this is bad design because it hasn’t dropped for me yet”.


If the mount and the pet did not exist, would you still do the horseman?

There is not one mount or pet or item in the game that was RNG that when I got I went “Wow, feels so good to have this so I can rub it into everyone else’s face that I got absolutely lucky and got this item by pure chance! I’m so exclusive now for having basically won the lottery!!” People who think that a rare drop item makes them special severely overestimate how much people actually care about their luck. If it’s a Gladiator mount you earned by using your skill and being in the top whatever percent of players, yeah pretty impressive. If it’s a holiday mount/pet only available for 2 weeks, with a once-a-day chance per eligible character, grats you have a horseshoe up your butt and got lucky. Have a pat on the head and a cookie.


Just because that’s how it’s always been doesn’t mean it’s not bad. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. The fact is they’re using RNG to retain players, when they could just take a different route and actually create content worth playing.

As they have been since the inception of the game?

People don’t actually care for this; they just want efficient rewards. If something spits out the rewards quickly then it’s good content and they stop doing it.

Calendar says: Hollow’s End Ends 11/01 11:00am. Reset is at 11:00am. You do not have an hour.

Its bad reward design, when you’ve a Reward Dev starting a comment wiht “Yep, this isn’t fun”, that says everything.

Its a game and it should promote fun first, the activity is basically a sloot machine because the gameplay isn’t fun after some attempts and its just the same cycle.

Most players won’t do the horseman…

That’s why this must be changed to new gameplay with better replayability and better rewards that feel like a goal for the player.


  • Hardmode Horseman
  • Holiday World Quest
  • Holidya PvP Brawl
  • Holiday World Evet

Then you’ve different kind of activities, all drop the candy currency


  • XP potions for alts
  • Stat runes
  • A whole set of gear or drop tokens of the last catch up gear, besides the 2 rings, 1 sword, 1 helmet piece
  • Mount
  • Pet
  • Other cosmetics

All these items from RNG and also a vendor.

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I thought that was because the rocket was literally like 1 in 2000-5000 and the only semi-viable way of farming it was making 50 characters. Just increase droprate for first kill to discourage alt spam, which I think they did.

Uh… no? There’s tons of content where it’s not the case or not so heavily. And if Blizzard wouldn’t let their Holiday events rot in a forgotten corner but instead do something with it every year, there would also be an incentive to do the content repeatedly.

I haven’t done horseman in the last years because I’ve got the mount a long time ago. And that’s where the game design failed. Holiday events in other MMOs deliver something new every year where people are actually encouraged to play the event. If the now rare stuff would go to the vendor there would still be people grinding out holiday currency to buy it - and if someone’s afraid that the queue for the HH gets too long then… why not let him drop significantly more currency so that it’s actually worth queuing for it? Just slapping some new low percent heavy RNG stuff into the loot table is extremely lazy design.

No, after all these years people are just sick of wasting their time for nothing.
And there’s even a blue post acknowleding that there’s nothing fun about that.


And if it doesn’t give them the rewards they want within a reasonable time frame, they quit and still stop doing it. You’re acting like people absolutely have to do this content just because Blizzard released it. The fact is that most people these days would sooner quit the game entirely than keep at a video game grind for a full year.

Apparently not, though.

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What did you just see, Lisa?..that meme.

A lot of players are still doing the same massive amount of attempts. RNG is a beast, it could be 90% drop rate first attempt that you could have bad luck for years…that doesn’t provide anything at the end of the event and we need better replaybility, the fun aspect is being left behind.

They added the new off hand appearance to the vendor but NOT the pet.

Now explain why.

Was it because its “good” game design?? Or is it because they know people will spend more time opening what might as well be a lootbox, which translates into more money for Bobby???

Not everything has to be put on a vendor for currency.

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Tell me

Because the game isn’t built to rush rewards to everybody as efficiently and easily as possible.

Sorry if the game is getting in the way.

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But that fight isn’t hard and someone can get it first try, which sounds pretty easy to me.

Certainly easier than having to maybe do the dailies (which exist for no reason currently) or the candy buckets or different quests.

I say once more: the rat has fallen in love with the maze


Right now, if you want to maximize your chance of getting the mount, it’s in your best interest to repeat this event every day on as many characters as possible. That’s… mathematically correct, but not a great experience.
