Arena Rating is harsh

I’m higher rated than both of you. Thank you for not trying to argue facts anymore though.

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you cant argue facts with an idiot. you don’t even know what the facts ARE dude.

you don’t even know what it takes to get your arena pts every week bro! youre completely full of it.

yeah, by the end of the 10 games (assuming you lose 10 games, which seems likely if you have to remake a team at 1500 every week) you are going to be like 1350-1375 range, which will put your points around the same as a 1250 player in this system

guys is literally like “hur dur i on da calkoolator it says 1500 more than 1300 so im right”

i guarantee he looked up my ironforge pro/wcl right now (if you look at the other threads, he tends to do this, he references how hes a 1900 warr/druid, another guys karazhan parses and checks how many games the guy played on the team). Hey shocks, take the L buddy

hes a forum cretin with no human interaction outside of this game, what do you expect

?? They never did require rating in season 1 .

Not much of a challenge. It’s basically PVE scripted fights in 2s or 3s.

In 2s You will face RM, RP, War/Druid, War/P, Lock/Rogue, Lock/healer. In 3s it’s RMP, War/lock/Druid, lock/mage/priest and maybe turbo or Ret/war. All which have the same exact script.

So in reality this whole PVE is a set script, so is arena. You will keep going against these generic boring comps and use the exact same strats.

I can see how someone would think that.

Out of curiousity, what’s your highest rating?

This is a bit derailed but you guys know that I am talking about how many points you lose for getting beaten by a better team right?

Saying that a 1300 team vs a 1500 team the 1300 team should lose a ton of points if they lose because they should “get gud” isn’t really an answer because the 1300 team will just quit doing arena. Isn’t it better for everyone to encourage as many people as possible to do arena each week?

For myself I only play TBCC for arena but having a close match and gaining 12 points to lose it the next match against a 1500 team is crushing.

The end game is that people will quit, casuals like me who play for PvP aren’t going to hang around. BGs are absolute trash as alliance (In 50 EoTS games we won 2) and arena is just a noob stomp with scuffed match making (might be an oceanic issue).

Anyway like I said this is a waste of time posting here, the game is for elitists min/maxing meta gamers not the casual player who wants to jump on for a bit of fun. Don’t believe me, look at the people leaving in droves.

What do you mean you won’t stick around because of the rating? Have you ever done arena before now?

You’re focusing too much on the rating. Focus on playing better. Focus on learning 1 thing from every loss that you could have done to win the game. You lose 12 and gain 12 from people the same rating as you so it’s not a big deal.

Just focus on playing better, not the number.

Correct we gain 12 from winning against a 1300 but we lose 12 from losing to a 1500, it makes 0 sense. I can take screenshots but I can’t post them here.

I’m not focused on rating but isn’t the whole idea of arena to try and rank up? How do we do that when we are matched against 1500 teams who way our gear and skill us? I don’t mind vs’ing them but why do we lose so much rating when we inevitably lose?

Hey bud, the difference between 13 and 1500 is much smaller than you think. there are people above 2200 with little gear.

Stop worrying about the rating. Focus on improving. You’re never going to improve if you’re thinking about how many pts you’ll lose if you lose the match instead of what you need to be doing to get the win.

Are you on Oceanic? There is a big difference between 1300 and 1500.

I’m honestly not psyching myself out because I’m worried about rating man, it’s sometimes close but when you are vs’ing full T1 meta teams as a casual player with blues and some PvP gear you are probably going to lose. I just don’t think the lower rates team should be punished as much as they are.

I think you are right tho, arena isn’t for the casual player, it’s for people who want to take it seriously. Most of my friends have cancelled their subs, can’t even get a 3’s team going, time to move on I think

Almost matter how much gear you have you can still out play them at 1500. I promise you there is much more you are doing wrong than just being undergeared.

Maybe it isn’t for you. Try coming back with full gear. It does make a difference.

Oh I agree, I am not a top player, I’m about average. I just don’t have the time to gear up anymore than I am, I was hoping to get a piece a month in arena but that’s a pipe dream. I am sure if I had the time I could improve significantly but I am a casual gamer at best, my 2’s partner just had a baby and the time we get in wow is like once a week.

I don’t see why lowering the amount of points you lose to a higher rates team would somehow negatively impact someone else’s experience in the game but blizzard have deemed it fair so what can I do. Arena is for the hardcore player which is fine but I thought there might be a place for casuals as well. My mistake, I just hope blizzard realise that the casual player pays a sub as well

Not sure what you guys are on, but there is an Arena point calculator online.

In the original TBC, a 5 man comp could earn between 322 and 465 points depending if they won or lost 10 games. If they won 10 games, they would push up to ~1600 rating and get ~465 points. If they lost 10 games, they would drop to ~1400 rating and get 322 points. If they just stayed at 1500 rating and went 50/50 on their games, they would get 344 points.

As of now, the average team is somewhere between 1200 and 1300 rating, which translates to ~278 to ~300 points. This is by FAR WAY less points than you would have gotten in original TBC and it will take the average person a lot longer to get any arena gear. This is not a small discrepancy, this is a huge discrepancy and will discourage participation in arenas.

Be better if you want more points, you are at your rating for a reason

This is not a solution to the problem. We want people to participate in arenas. Your “be better attitude” will create a stale arena environment with low participation.


Welcome to season 1 of every arena expac period