Arena Rating is harsh

This is my biggest gripe with TBCC. First they should have kept the 1500 starting rating. Second, the MMR system is based off of retail instead of the way it used to be. Third, there is no battle groups like their used to be. Climbing rating is definitely more difficult than it was in OG TBC due to these changes. Also, all the players being better now is obviously a factor.


I am not the best arena player, but I can guarantee you I would be at least 200 points higher in rating under the old system. The new system is costing me literally hundreds of points per week towards getting my arena gear.

I also know TBC veterans who were 1800+ rating in original TBC and on private servers, those same people are stuck between 1600 and 1700 rating. So, yes, the new system is way more punishing.

For sure, it’s really simple actually. Right now at 1500 you are queueing into pretty good players who have put effort into grinding that rating and have played 20-30 games. Back in the day you would queue into mostly terrible or mediocre players at 1500 who were on fresh teams simply playing 10 games for points. So anyone who put in a little bit of effort would be out of the 1500 bracket and into the 1600s. I think the rating floor back in the day was around 1400 there were almost zero teams below that. Now the rating floor is about 1000 with almost zero teams below that. I don’t think that translates directly to “you should be 400 rating higher than you are based on the old system”. But I think 200-300 rating higher is a good estimate.

No pieces required rating in tbc till season 3 so clearly you have no idea what your talking about lol

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My friend went 8-2 this week, and ended 2pts lower than they started lol

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We win about 50/50 but bleed points. We are down about 100 this week and won probably about 40% of games.

I think it’s worse on Oceanic because no one’s is queueing so it matches us most of the time with significantly higher ranked teams. And tbh why would you queue if you are going to play casually, you will get a piece of gear in 3 months if your lucky by the time you have a 4 set the expansion will be over

Edit: Just to illustrate my point, my team 1310 just vs’d a 1813 team, they gain 0 and we lose 4 points… How is this fair?

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