Arena Rating is harsh

As an average Oceanic player (1300) I feel like the arena rating calculations are very harsh.

For example when we get matched against a 1500 team and inevitably lose, we will lose 12 rating and they will gain 8. Why would we, as the underdog be punished more for losing? In an even 1300 vs 1300 we only ever gain about 12 to 15 so why when we verse much better teams do we lose so much rating?

Once we got paired against a 1900 team and they gained 0 but we lost 1… I just don’t get it.

I know people will say get good etc but its putting casuals off arena and I believe it is a legitimate issue.


So you should have a higher rating… for free ?


I agree, I play in oceanic and at this rate it will take months to get just one piece of gear.

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It’s almost like trying to change the systems without any testing for… reasons… leads to problems. The rating prior started higher than 1300.


I can’t speak for your personal experience, but what I can tell you is the rating system is indeed way more punishing than it was when TBC was retail.

In original TBC, everyone started at 1500 rating when a new team was formed. This made it so there was a constant influx of points into the system as people who lost too much and dropped in rating would disband and reform their team to get a fresh start at 1500. In TBCC, the devs had the brilliant (not so brilliant) idea of starting everyone at zero. This has resulted in a huge shift down of the average rating to somewhere between 1200 and 1300 for people who play a lot of games. This means the average player is getting way less points than they would normally have gotten in original TBC to buy arena gear.

At the current rate of arena point gains, it will take the average player 5 to 6 weeks to get 1 piece of arena gear. By the time you have enough points to get a full set of arena gear, we will probably be on phase 5 of TBC. It’s also why the new system is retarded imo.


Where did I say that I wanted a higher arena rating?

I said that everyone losing to much rating when vs’ing obviously better and higher ranked players.

I fully expect Blizzard to ignore this and keep scratching their head while all the casual gamers leave. Already cancelled my sub just playing while it runs out


it’s punishing, and you may start lower now but it has always been a grind. thats why high players always got so much respect back in the day.

the players at the top of the bracket have the same issue with gaining 1 pt for a win and losing 15 for a loss.

Actually what he’s talking about specifically is the points lost based on weird rating calculations which I completely agree with. I’m not positive but it seems to have to do with new people getting added into teams so while the team rating is high the mmr of the team is skewed lower because the new player is starting at a significantly lower rating. It appears pretty easy to abuse honestly if you just grind out an insane number of games. You’re consistently playing at a much lower rating than you would normally be (and the team currently is) so points come easier but in lower amounts. But I think you have to have a fresh character to join the team since I believe their MMR carries over even if they leave the team.

Idk how people can enjoy arenas.

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people who want more of a challenge than pve and enjoy being forced to think quickly and use their abilities correctly or die

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i can understand that, i like bgs and dueling but the rating system in arenas just stresses me out personally lol it’s not for me

that means you place too much importance on the numbers.

the only way to climb is stop worrying about your rating and just focus on improving every game. thats another thing that people like about it. you always can improve and every game is really different


if this is true and no changes are made to remedy this, I know myself and a few others will unsub. That amount of time to get a piece of gear is beyond a joke.

Always how it was in TBC. It’s actually easier now because almost no pieces require rating anymore.

ah reals? hm hearing two different things :thinking:haha

tbh Im more eager to see how the same-faction BGs pan out, more than Arena.

Uh no. There’s no functional difference at higher ratings but at lower ratings you’re getting less points than you were in TBC because teams start at 0 instead of 1500.

What do you mean by lower ratings get less points. You mean less arena points?

He’s wrong. He’s mistaking the difference between later seasons rating requirements and started at 0 instead of 1500 in some weird mix.

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I meant it’s easier for the average player to get gear, because most of these people under complaining about the pts are under 1500 and never wouldve been able to wear the arena gear in the first place.

You start at 0 instead of starting at 1500. Which means automatically you start out getting lower points a week than normal. Which is why during TBC lower ranked teams would reform quite often.