Are you happy with the vote kicking system blizzard?

Good to see you picked up on it!

It was a really bad comparison, a game and forum can’t share the same rules because they both serve different purposes.

Of course not! I simply ask because you seem to be arguing that you should be allowed to disrupt the gameplay of others without consequence through some sort of weak, poorly thought-out Socratic exercise.

I must have been mistaken.

so when you do something bad at your job and something bad in a sport you are not punished in the same way which makes them completely different and not able to draw any comparisons at all. ah ok i get it

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Well the issue is that you’re not just trying to “draw comparisons at all”, you’re trying to treat them the same way and impose the same consequences, which as I said, is not how it works.

Both sports (some of them) and a job often require cooperation among teammates though, that would be a legitimate comparison you could make between the two.

Like I said, if you’re interested in knowing why Blizzard is choosing to treat them differently in the ways they are, you might try asking a Blizzard employee, who could give you more insight on that than I can. All I’m able to tell you is that it is that way, not why it is that way.


so people should not be allowed to disrupt the gameplay of others without consequence?

according to blizzard we are allowed to do exactly that if 4 of us agree though or infact for no reason at all. :face_with_monocle:

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i see. so basically you dont know WHY it is the way it is. only that it is. thank you for clearing that up.

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By breaking or abusing a system? No.

This still constitutes an abuse of the system. If it can be shown that people did this maliciously, then they can be punished for it.

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Yes, correct. You’re welcome!

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from what i read from the green mvps on this subject, 4 people can vote kick 1 for ANY reason they choose.

unless you are saying they are wrong.

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So you’re saying that a group of people acting in concert can’t be disruptive, or otherwise abusive of an in-game system?

i dont think you are paying attention, green mvps have said that 4 can kick 1 for any reason that they want as long as those 4 are in agreement.

unless you think they were wrong.

So you think this can’t itself be reported if it breaks/violates an in-game system.

Got it. Just checking.

Weird stance to take, but okay.

lol. again this is what green mvps have said. you are literally arguing against their point.

If you are talking about vote kicking, then no, there is no such thing as a penalty for it. It does not matter why someone was vote kicked. It could be their class, their transmog, the direction they ran, the way they play. It does not matter. There is no such thing as “abuse of vote kicking” in the rules. ANY reason is valid to kick.

Unless you meant that people can’t use malicious language such as profanity/masked profanity, slurs, etc. That would certainly get penalized if reported.

It does not violate any in-game systems or rules. The game is set up, intentionally, so that the majority can vote to remove a player for ANY reason, or no reason.


There is even an entire support article explaining that a group does not need a reason to vote kick someone.


all im saying is we need forum votekicking too :joy:

Man this thread has gotten a lot of bites for someone who’s been blatantly trolling for weeks.


While that can turn out to be incredibly toxic with some of the reason probably not being realistic or plausible, I do think it is something that gives autonomy to the player… which can be a good thing.

Well, the :troll:s make the fun threads… of course we’re gonna bite.

I don’t currently lead a very exciting life due to circumstances

If a group of people can be shown to repeatedly maliciously vote kick, yes it can.

It generally doesn’t happen, but it’s entirely within the capability and prerogative of the mods to do so.

Cool. I’ll see your blue post, and I’ll raise you a EULA:

[Blizzard End User License Agreement - Legal – Blizzard Entertainment](
1. 1. Harassment, “griefing,” abusive behavior or chat, conduct intended to unreasonably undermine or disrupt the Game experiences of others, deliberate inactivity or disconnecting, and/or any other activity which violates Blizzard’s Codes of Conduct or In-Game Policies.

If players start repeatedly abusing the system in a way a mod deems to be harrassment, they can ban. Just because they don’t now (because circumstances don’t generally warrant that in queued content) doesn’t mean that consequences can’t occur.

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Fair enough :dracthyr_shrug:

I just got home from a First Friday bar crawl and find that this OP managed to make a thread this big that wasn’t about Faerin so I’m a bit surprised lol

Though I guess pretending vote kick abuse is a thing is the new troll bit