Are you happy with the vote kicking system blizzard?

do you mean someone can force you to keep playing the game with them? like you have no other option? i thought people can just leave the group if that happens?

What are you fishing for?

If 4/5 people decide that the 5th person isn’t a good fit for the group, why would the 4 people have to leave instead of the 1?

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its called reasoning out the problem.

is thinking critically about this that painful?

I just reasoned out the problem for you, no more reasoning required, we’ve reached the end.

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I dont even think it knows what its fishing for. Like i am down to see some trolls, but this things comments make next to 0 sense, let alone its “but on the forums…” genuinley concerned this person is not having the best day.

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so if 10 people on the forums think u should never post again?

I’m getting deja vu here

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yea literally.

That does not happen on the forums or in game. To get a forum vacation, esp for 10 days, you would have to actually break the forum code of conduct. It is almost identical to the game code of conduct except has a few extras related to posting. The game does not let other players “vote” to Suspend folks from the game. Which is what you are comparing it to. They can only report, and at most it can result in a squelch pending a mod review. Not a Suspension.

Forums or game - if you get reported for breaking the code of conduct and a GM/Mod agrees based on the logs, then you get a vacation. That requires a third party (Blizzard) to determine a rule was actually broken. Not remotely related to vote kick from a dungeon. You don’t need any reason to vote kick someone and it does not remove them from the game.

Vote kick does not prevent someone from ever playing the game again. Your comparison is not accurate.


i see. so if 10 people think someone is ruining their fun on the forums, they wont get a ban or suspension.

how about… 30 mins of time out from the forums? is that more accurate?

You’re using a really awful comparison for vote kicking… forums and in-game is like comparing a cigarette to a bowl of ice cream.

how so? i thought if 1 person is ruining 4 or 10 other peoples fun they shouldnt have to deal with it?

So…as it happens, getting banned from the forums and getting kicked from a dungeon are not subject to the same rules and criteria.

Vote kick does not give someone a 30 min time out from the game either. They can do MANY other things in game while they have a 30 min debuff. They just can’t do group finder dungeons.

The reasons for a 30 min debuff on a vote kick have been explained. It is not ideal, but it is the best current solution they have.

I will quote it again for you in case you missed it.


When gameplay or forum posts are disruptive, no, generally you shouldn’t.

What are you arguing for, exactly?

A game and a forum aren’t really comparable. They serve two totally different purposes.

ah okay i get it. so a 30 min suspension from the current thread topic they are in would be the most accurate then because that would allow them to continue on the forums. just not in the thread people voted them out of.

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i thought i was asking a question. do you have a problem with that?

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oh okay i get it. so because one is a forum and one is a game, using majority rule to vote someone out of participating cant be compared? makes total sense now

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The forums and dungeons are not the same thing, thus not subject to the same rules and consequences, in the same way that doing something against the rules in a sport and doing something against the rules of your job do not have the same consequences.

If you’d like more information about that, and why Blizzard chose to make it this way, I might suggest opening a customer support ticket. You probably won’t get all the answers you’re looking for, but I don’t know what other options you have. Could be interesting to see how they respond, so I say go for it. Let us know what they say!

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