Are you happy with the vote kicking system blizzard?

We have the ability to control which posts we see. You can put a poster on Ignore if you don’t want to see their posts any more. You can mute a whole thread and make it go away from your forum index (tracking drop down at the bottom :paw_prints:)

The most other players can do is flag a post which takes between 3 and 5 flags to “grey it out” pending Mod review. That post can’t really “participate” easily in the thread. It does not stop the poster though. Only Blizzard can remove them from posting.

I WISH I could vote kick people some days, but I am way more strict than Blizzard. I should never have such power :slight_smile:

It was pointed out that this person has been trolling (probably on more than on forum char) right from the start. I suspect others are either bored at work or can’t sleep.

I SHOULD be sleeping. Alas I am not.

Flavor of the week I guess.


Oh but wouldn’t this place be less awful if you did, though


I’ve tried this Tulsi sleep tea stuff tonight, but it isn’t working.

I’ve used CBD tincture the last few years, works like a charm.

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I actually didn’t know this, thank you

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The real issue here is that Blizzard thinks it’s a good idea to give you a punishment timer before requeue if a trio group queues up and troll kicks you from the group.

Which is why forum improvements will never be a thing.

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So actually if there’s a three stack in the group, it requires four votes to kick

Since you’re one of the ones actively campaigning against forum improvements, I take that statement with a boxful of salt.

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Are you happy with the vote kicking system blizzard?

Just played my first follower dungeon, the Rookery.
No one got kicked.


That is not how the game should be played.

I played follower dungeon the whole day today, but I was farming.

Every mode has a function,

Also follower mode is normal mode. No one does that.

This got a chuckle.

They can put checks in place, but they don’t need to remove it. It’s long past the days of ninja looting, but there are still perfectly valid reasons to kick. Toxic b@stardry, and intentionally pulling crap the tank has avoided to cause a wipe being 2 frontrunners.

i dont think this happense anymore.

Yes, possiblly on Stonevault first boss, but I think once you understand that you have to kill both sides then they dont pull.

Most of the dps sometimes do stupid stuff as they do not know. They hate to admit but it but it usually is out of their ignorance not on purpose.

What you are saying would be effective come classic time walking when one stupid pull and we are running back for more than 8 min, now that deserves a kick,

How many dungeons do we have like that now ?>

fr fr he need a vacation

You’ll never be kicked from a follower instance (probably).

I’ve been playing this game since vanilla and I have never seen someone kicked without good reason. One person posting on multiple alts doesn’t equate to a problem :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Talking this and calling people names is probably why you get kicked. Maybe be a bit more polite and fun.

I got kicked from heroics for taking a left turn and team took a right turn.

That seems like a good reason. While the team could just type.

I have never talked back or been disrespectful to anyone.

I once joined a classic server since I played form MOP.

I said - what’s up guy let’s go.

They reported me for that. Since that day. I be typed unless I need to.

And never went back to classic.

Only way I believe that happened is if you called them neckbeards… Which I can see. Other wise bull plop story

Why would we call anyone that in game that is against the TOC.

It’s a mentality.

Spend 10 min and read the forum. It is full of vote kick abuse.

All that bull plop story ?