Are you happy with the vote kicking system blizzard?

I’ve seen one vtk this expansion, and it was a tank who was very undergeared, who acknowledged that he was undergeared, and the kick failed. Then he left on his own a few minutes later.

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Wait how can you be undergeared in a gated queue type… if you meet the artifical min ilvl, full send, its the healers issue (and fault) from there.

  1. DCed
  2. AFK

Those are 90% of the vtk

  1. Being a complete jerkwad. Which rarely happens to the point where I get annoyed enough to initiate one. Don’t even remember the last time I’ve done this. I think it was early DF when some idiot evoker kept “rescuing” me into random trash, getting me killed.
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Don’t actually know tbh, I voted no on the kick.

To be fair, he was taking a lot of damage. Some of his gear was still in the 180s.

to play devils advocate, 4 can ruin the fun for one person though? huh.


Probs healers fault then, standard, or if you had a DH in there was more than likely their fault.

And how often does this realistically happen?


Yeah because four people having their fun ruined by one person affects more people than one person having their fun ruined by four people.


Yes, thats how democracy works. The majorty get to ruin the minorities.

I feel it’s objectively more important that the 4 are prioritized over the 1… majority rules; there will always be outliers.


I don’t remember if there was a DH or not but we can just blame it on that anyway and call it a day.

But yeah, no one even died through the first boss + some extra trash, so I don’t know why it was a big deal. Like I said, the tank eventually left on his own, so he must have felt bad for whatever reason (he was a Paladin, which means he has high moral character unlike DH’s).

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100% even if there was no DH in group, it was their fault regardless. I like you, have an updoot.

Yeah bro probs just thought y’all would have more fun with a new tank - respect to that person. Hopefully they left post 1st boss so they didnt get timer.

seems often enough for some people to complain on the forums. how much does it need to happen to past your test?

For me, personally, I’d like to see it happen at least once firsthand, then we can re-evaluate from there.

i see. so if 10 of us think you are ruining the fun for us on the forums, you should be banned for a week since 10 of our fun is more important than yours? or how does this work :face_with_monocle:


We have already established this.

All of us know we dont vote kick for those two reasons.

People kick others for no reason. Tanks takes a left turn kick.

Tank pulls more kick

tank pulls less kick

same appliers to dps and heals.

Well as it happens, getting banned from the forums and getting kicked from a dungeon are not subject to the same rules and criteria.

But if you feel like I’ve broken the forum rules, you can definitely flag my post to have a moderator look at it.


whys it different here? i thought 10 peoples fun is more important then 1 persons? or am i incorrect?

Because Blizzard said so

Because I can’t hold your gameplay hostage with my forum posts, I’d guess

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Same, have yet to see it this expansion.

I think this is just the thing some people have decided to fuss over.