Are you happy with the vote kicking system blizzard?

i think the kick system needs a bit of a rework
but not an outright removal. its a necessary evil bc some of us do get kicked for no reason but the first kick of the day needs to be like 15 mins and then climb up from there.
15, 30, 1hr etc.

ive personally played for 4 yrs and kicked less than 10 times and
maybe even like 5. i can think of 2 and one was this yr and the other was when
i started. if youre getting kicked left n right then its prolly u lol.

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glad you brought this up. Just to remind you we are not in cata.

The tank who is holding up should be kicked.

If he repeat again, he is a repeat offender.

If your intention was to kick the toxic player as soon as possible so your group can do the content. Then the below suggestion should do exactly what you need. and it also deals with the repeat offenders.

Now you tell me where the flaw is.

Why rework on something that is working perfectly fine? No need to reinvent the wheel when there is nothing wrong with the original wheel.

As I said, the real solution is to play with friends or play with guild members.

This is exactly how I got kicked.

Meanwhile as a tank I did ONE crazy pull one time and apologized because we had momentum up to that point with big pulls and I wanted to see if I could pull it off, group had a laugh. That was a total “lets do well” moment that flopped.

With healer, I wanted to kick maybe 75% of the tanks in priory or those trinket farmers spamming the run. They were not tanking, they were playing “I don’t die so I don’t care if you afk in the corner”

And that’s who I got “kicked by.”

The punishment was “lol blizzard’s system is bad.” I did nothing wrong. So all the people handwringing about ThEy ShOuLdNt Be ReQuiReD To PlAy WiTh YoU yet the “kicked one” is the punished? Ehhhh that’s silly.

And then I’ve seen this thread a bunch repeatedly since TWW launch. Before it happened to me, after
 multiple people agreeing.

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the wheel is square and you don’t mind the bumpy ride != there’s nothing wrong

If it is working fine, why is this thread up ?

I am 100% this is being monitored. The game does think there is some loop hole which is being manipulated.

There is no reason for this thread to be up - if you think the system cannot be improved.

This is too exploitable. If everyone knows they are immune from kicks in their first dungeons, you are going to see a lot more griefing that suddenly has no player-intervening method of dealing with it. It’s just the law of averages here.

4 people vote to kick the target, 1 yes is the initiator, you only need 2 others to be the majoirty
 being in a 2 stack doesn’t protect you
 numbies hard.

Exactly. There is nothing wrong with the vote-kick system. Glad we agree.

Because you can’t accept the fact people don’t have to play with you. What is there to exactly explain?

  1. Don’t be a jerk
  2. Don’t play terribly

There, in 99.99% of runs you won’t be kicked.

I thought of this - and now we have a lot of automated systems.

Our game can easily track if a player is new or not. I am not saying my suggestion are 100% on the dot, there is room for improvement.

But the goal is to take some power away from the groups and have a fair playing field for new players.

That is not really an argument here. Clearly you cannot defend. Now you are baiting.

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you aint the only one.

I saw that same crap so many times I really got tired of it.
I bailed a number of times on trash tank behavior over their thinking theyre gods or something and everyone should bow down and worship their clownliness, lmao.

ive got enough experience in watching players kicked for NO good reason to know that MOST of these folks are just outright lying in claiming they havent seen any.

Theyre just here to troll for attention and they’ll make up ANY crap to get it
any edgy line of feces that will get you responding to them so they get you interacting with them cuz they need the attention.

You’re right, your thread is not an argument, considering even linked Blizzard post have proven you otherwise.

Makes ya wonder why there is a blue post about it, yet the forum mods dont close the 10x reposts if this topic. Guess they are all off “sick” from work playing Space Marines 2 - which i respect.

50 out of how many non crap groups means the system is flawed?
I know what you’re getting at and there’s really no way you can police people to that point that you want it to be.

The people that are doing this aren’t the majority. But really with all due respect there’s just no way to police that.

Not the point, we are asking for a change here. But you can continue to deflect.

The point of this thread is to show the flaw in the vote kicking system which needs to be revisited.

That thread was the set off point. We are now at awareness.

Stop baiting, and try to come with relevant arguments that can be engaged with.

I have given more than enough data on this very thread, that can be looked into.

Show me 1 point which any of you defended. I am asking for a change, you telling me ‘’ the group does not like you, they can remove you’’ - that is not going to cut it anymore.

We are past that point. That would be acceptable during the Cata period. We are not there.

for that one it IS working ‘fine’
they ARE the kick abusers in here
why do you think they defend it so?
Why do you think they keep reminding us theyre ALLOWED to kick for ANY reason even if that reason is abusing another player?
THEY ARE the abusers.

Ok, please, point out where exactly people who group up with you have to play with you. Please, exactly point it out where.

The fact that they do not want to touch the topic of kicked player should not have debuff is concerning.

I even mentioned clearly that a repeat offender will eventually earn the debuff

But there is still some kind of malicious intent in just kicking the player, just so he can earn the debuff.

They do not want it - they want every player to earn the debuff regardless of if he is responsible or not.

This is false. There is a reason. It may not be a good reason. They probably don’t know what it was.