Are you happy with the vote kicking system blizzard?

and yet thread after thread after thread since TWW dropped about being kicked for no good reason
I guess YOUR experiences are EVERYONE elses, eh friend?

No, what I said was “Every time the votekick has come up I click “yes” regardless of what I think.” It was a hypothetical. That person is real. I don’t know how many there are, but I know it’s a nonzero number.

So, gee whiz, so you’re saying the social contract can be ‘ignored’ when a system allows people to do what they want.

There is a very popular thing called the Greater Internet Friendwad Theory (GIFT)

normal person + anonymity + audience = total friendwad

it’s really that simple.

Sir, its only Luuba, Af, and the pandas direct experiences that matter, us not seeing an “unjustifiable” VTK doesn’t matter. Granted, as the system is working as intended, any reason is reason enough. But it is a meanie weanie thing to do!

That post was aimed at Ritualist, friend, not you. :+1:

But for the system to do its job properly, It has to take everything players tell it at face value.

Suppose someone had been AFK in your dungeon for 10 min, the vote kick passed unanimously, but the system still said “Nah, I don’t think this is justified, they stay”.

Oh no they accidentally turned on friendlyfire.

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It’s still called a hypothetical. still googlable

No, the more interesting thing is how it’s happening a lot right now because people want to zoom zoom and there’s a clash of zoom zoom and chill chill.

And it leads to aggro people triggering votekicks and the chill people getting punished by it.

It’s not like they joined a group called “zoom zoom” and chilled. They literally did thelowest form of humanity “pug” group. How dare they have conflicting desires.

Let’s allow people to make arbitrary decisions and punish them! Great system!

And the forums will defend it because ???

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In 12 years of playing wow i have already been kicked 3 times from the start of the expansion.

lets check into that.

How is the increased number of kicks coinciding with the same number of post on forum

Kick - 1 Ara kara for taking left
Kick 2 - Dawnbreaker for asking the team - please follow me guys.
Kick 3 - City of echoes.

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Which is perfectly fine. People shouldn’t be forced to play with you if they don’t want to play with you. There is no rules in vote-kicking people out if they don’t want to play with you.

Don’t like being kicked, group with friends or guild members. Problem solved.

I have questions, but I doubt they’d be answered

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Personally I couldnt give a hozenrump how many times they CLAIM theyve seen kicks in here.
they call everyone else liars about their statements in the matter
so Im calling them liars in response. Idont believe A WORD of anyone saying they dont see vote kicks. lol
Not one single word.

This forum is enough evidence
as is my SEEING it with my own eyes when I heal a bit.

Totally acceptable.

If the players do not want to play with me. Then we need to look in the system how players are judging other players.

Why is blizzard putting me in games with player who will most likely not like me ?

Easiest solution would be to remove the debuff timer. Players can now continue to not like me.

I will continue to play the game as per the social contract.

Seems fair, now players get to nourish their toxic personality & kicked players can continue to reque with positive behaviour.

Tell me what is wrong with this now.

Of course, that’s how it works. It has 2 inputs that lead to 1 of 2 outcomes. Great from a cost effectivity standpoint: it’s probably saved hundreds of thousands of hours of CS with just a cheap popup.

The system literally allows that:

2 people in a group in your dungeon with one going AFK and their friend clicks “no” on the groupkick forcing everyone to either wait or leave the dungeon. Who gets punished?

But yeah, suppose

And have the same scenarios as Wrath where tanks would be holding groups as hostages when they want to get kicked out because they don’t like a dungeon or going through the full dungeon?

Yeah, lets not repeat that mistake.

I love it when the clown tank pulls three rooms, doesnt hold aggro like a circus muppet, healer doesnt have that kind of output to deal with it
the tank clown decides to kick the DPS player who died because of clown tanks PATHETIC gaming ability lol


self serving
i could go on.

Can’t answer inquiries about your own argument and resorts to blocking out any criticism or questioning

If you can’t stand and discuss your own point of view, perhaps it’s time to reevaluate that point of view.

This has been explained to him at least 7 times and he just ignores it because he assumes no kick is deserved and everyone on this game is a nice person

In a way it’s endearing and sweet, which is why I like Luuba

If I dont want to play with four vermin, I should be able to leave IMMEDIATELY and not have to deal with a timeout.
They arent punished for abusing the kick
I shouldnt be punished EVEN IF I abused the bail

There are some shadow mobs in The Rookery that all need to die before the way opens up. If a priest mind controls one of them, then the way never opens. Doing so repeatedly to prevent group progress is an example of toxicity. I just experienced this. (I was not the priest.)

Pfft, I wish everyone was a nice person. Then everyone can kick me out for cursing the bosses. It’s a Warlock life.