Are you happy with the vote kicking system blizzard?

Technically being kicked for no reason is a reason to be kicked

You are more than welcome to kick anyone you like.

Tell me why a player should have to earn the debuff ? Your intention was to remove him. Which you have succeeded.

What is your goal behind handing the debuff ?

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The gun rights group needs you friendā€¦because when there is ONE gun death they come screaming trying to take OUR guns away.
We need YOU to remind them that ONE death has nothing to do with all OUR guns. :+1:

dont need it policed.
Need it restricted more.

You all keep saying the kick AINT happeningā€¦

There, in 99.99% of runs you wonā€™t be kicked.

ā€¦okā€¦so you wont mind if we have a 6 hour CoolDown on your vote kick then.
Vote kick someone, you have to wait 6 hours to participate in a kick again.

I mean, YOU are saying htey dont happen much, so this doesnt hurt anythingā€¦but it wiLL make sure players arent just blowing kicks all day long, just in case they wanted to abuse the system :+1:

About 40 people have pointed that out to the big 3 crying for a changeā€¦ its concerning they havent caught on that they are the minority regurgitating the same ā€œbut its not fair!ā€ To a bunch of new people dailyā€¦

This has been explained to you how many times now. Can you not even read anything put before you?

Please, 2 things:

  1. Point out what is kick abuse?
  2. Source to me kicking people out of dungeons.

This has also been explained multiple times in this thread and already three times to you directly.

So can you read ?

last chance before I send you my ignore list. This is totally baiting at this point, but I am still giving you the respect of engaging with you

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Hard to read when your eyes a filled with tears over an unjust world, either that or over/under medicated.

ā€¦and thereby CONFIRMING that they ARE the ones kicking for no valid reasonā€¦just cuz they canā€¦admitting they ARE kicking players out of groups contrary to their ALSO claiming it never happens lol


this is the third time you have said this.

I would suggest you chill out on personally targeting me.

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I told you exactly what happened and why being kicked has the deserter buff.

Shouldnā€™t have to explain something twice.



already answered which you clearly deflected conveniently.

So if your intention was to kick and move on. You have achieved that.

ā€˜no reasonā€™ = 'no VALID reason"

Im sure the miserable clown doing the kicking has some self serving, deranged ā€˜reasonā€™ rattling around in his decrepit craniumā€¦but weā€™re talking valid reasons, such as the reason the kick was created in the first placeā€¦which WASNT because Bliz wanted players with bad mog style having their game ruined lol

I will, when you start to read what people are saying in response to your ā€œsuper 1337 all up in your feelingsā€ posts. You have been answered, you have been given proof, yet you continue to rant about the same issue multiple people have given you an answer for.

Also still waiting on that pizzaā€¦

Oh btw:

Incorrect, have only said that once. Why do you ā€œkicking bad and huwted my feelingsā€ people suck with numbers.

Tank enters dungeon. Tanks prevents group from moving foward because he doesnā€™t want to be in dungeon. Tank keeps requesting people to be kicked outā€¦

Yeah, you obviously donā€™t know how some things work.

If you canā€™t accept the fact that people donā€™t have to play with you, and have every right to kick you out of the dungeon, then there is nothing more that anyone can do.

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had a troll show up in a group way backā€¦hellfire ramparts? maybe.

Anyway, this toad was causing chaos, then the kick would popā€¦someone gone. Got him.
Nope .
Clown was literally popping the kick himself because he knew no one was checking names, just clicking ā€˜yesā€™ thinking HE was being kicked lmao.

Funny yeahā€¦but shows the attitude of these clowns abusing the vote kick.
They really dont care if they waste 30 minutes to an hour of your timeā€¦because theyre misery projectedā€¦

Loilang, you canā€™t even prove I kick people out of a dungeons, since the simple solution is the one that I do:

Running with friends or guild members.

We get it that all you do is troll the forums, but please, if going to make an argument, atleast try and make a proper argument with facts, and not fiction.

flag and ignoreā€¦I wouldnt waste your time with that one.

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Ooo another ā€œi experienced thisā€ post that we are to take at face value but when we say ā€œweird never seen oneā€ you discredit.

He already has but he keeps forgetting he said it