"Are we the baddies?" Self-awareness of the Horde?

That was mostly concerning the idea of leveling a character from 1 to 120 and put in the time to develop an alt.

I play Horde’s leveling content a little with a boosted character and leveling through quests was a chore. So I just did dungeons and pvp to level up.
Then at max I did some dailies and did the warcampaign thing.

I haven’t touched my Horde character for a while now.

Sounds like you can’t make an objective argument about the Horde then.


From an Alliance perspective I certainly can.

And that’s the perspective BFA is being written from.


Cata, MoP, WoD and etc…
Honestly its all of them, I don’t get the cooperation between the Alliance and Horde when there is so much badblood between them.

And seemingly nothing is done to address it.
Each time my NPCs advocates for peace and restraint and each time we get backstabbed.
Enough already.

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I posted this in another thread but could this actually be what Sylvanus has been using the Horde to achieve and in essence using all of us to effect a world changing outcome that changes everything…

“I can be objective from the perspective of one side!”

You could have started the thread with that.


Some posters can not help to think of Sylvanas without their mind jumping right to the butt.


That was kind of the whole point of the thread. To get the otherside’s account but there was pretty much nothing as I suspected.

An shockingly the thread did start with that. Surprisingly you just didn’t read the OP before furiously typing in your answer.

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I think I actually provided a very plausible reason for her course of actions and her one true goal she was trying to achieve from the start. All the time using both factions as a means to achieve this but also have N’Zoth perceive he was the one who was controlling the outcome and not Sylvanus the entire time.

Also could it be that she was trying to maybe ensure that the NE’s were extracted from Teldrassil initially without the loss of lives which was her initial course of actions. Only reason this changed was because her plans were unravelling due to the NE’s attacking instead of evactuating and leaving Teldrassil empty.

Why did she need Teldrassil empty she didn’t set out to kill NE only remove them from the World Tree and it’s sorrounding area. She only took the path she did because ultimately she needed a specific outcome that no race that could succumb to the corruptions of the old gods be anywhere near the World Tree…

Does she know something we don’t? Is there an Old God Prison beneath the World Tree and she wanted to ensure that NE’s wouldn’t be corrupted if the Old God did rise?

So actually is she your saviour all along preventing you from being the next race of minions doing the bidding of one of the Old Gods?

Just a random thought to dwell on

Speculation is fine but as far as anyone knows Sylvanas did it out of spite and the Horde by and large either don’t care at all or support it.

Or perhaps they don’t care as much as they should when compared to the Alliance when it comes to innocent bystanders.

Either case these are all pretty damning.

Yes. You are not being objective at all.

To say you are objective while using the perspective of one side is not being objective at all.

You are being oxymoronic. As well as generally moronic.

This poster is correct. Your reply?

That is a contradiction. Your lie about being objective is shown by your own words.


Playing a character from 1 to 120 on the Horde is not a requirement to being objective.

If I had all the answers I would not have had asked the question.
In my OP i stated I did not play much Horde hence why I asked if similar dialogues of characters being self conscious of their actions are just as noticeable on the Horde side as they are on the Alliance.

The answer to that seems to be “barely”.

I’ve seen Pheandra call red posters liars on countless occasions, but nobody lies to Pheandra more than Pheandra does.

“I can be objective with the information I get after running it through my biased filter that blocks any evidence that contradicts the position I started with! Behold! I was right all along!”


What lie did I tell?

Trust me i get it, this game is uberrrrr time consuming, but ya can still watch some playthroughs of the other side, honnesty I have a lotta fun with it.

Alliance perspective ≠ objective perspective

But getting the other perspective here + alliance perspective = objective.

How many paths of glory do I have to build until you realize that you’re wrong?!

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So you think it is impossible to be objective if you do not level 1 to 120 on the Horde side?

What? What does it it have to do with it?