32/6/3 - AoE Death Knight Blood Tank build. https://rpgworld.altervista.org/talentcata/eng/?DK#0332120013022231132132001.17-3.17-!4,26,24,11,27,18,23,8,9
That should be good enough for soloing dungeons and if it isn’t then I’m sure that they’ll be specs out there that can solo dungeons, the players just have to find them.
Right under my guild tag, there’s a fun little number for achievement points. Pretty easy measurement to see how much someone plays (or at least, how many activites they do). And it cannot be rigged because its reported by Blizzard.
Meanwhile, you’re posting from a nondescript lvl 11 retail alt. Which provides absolutely 0 basis that you have ever touched Classic at all. You are 0 authority to speak on anything regarding the game. You are the troll sir.
I don’t really know the Warlock tree but I’ll see if I can do something, maybe not tanky perse but perhaps something similar to Mages using Living Bomb to do UK.