Are we really doing Cata trees again?

Imagine being this tilted and going this restarted.
1. You wanted to talk about raiding while posting on a retail sock puppet.
2. You lack any logs at all while blatantly being intellectually dishonest, the exact thing I called you out for in my first post.
3. You decided to go play Fortnite on me and go to Tilted Towers instantly.
4. You’re Wafectus 2.0. You have your mental disorder as your only ally.

Don’t let those jimmies rustle your rotund rolls too much now. Don’t want a rash.


You really shouldn’t have any opinions on wotlk because you didn’t even do half of the raid bosses for the entire expansion.

You are missing 3 whole raids

Nvm the subpar ulduar logs

I genuinely laugh every time I see this spec’s name lol

Hey guess what, just checked the talent…and the Ret talent that gives Replenishment IS Judgements of the Wise; i.e., THE TALENT THAT GIVES MANA BACK ON JUDGEMENT CAST IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Maybe you should get to level 12 or something before you talk about the talents OF THE CLASS YOU’RE POSTING AS.

Kind of insulting Waf there, tbh; Waf can occasionally come up with something resembling a potential good point.

I can think of more colorful terms, but there’s literally zero chance the Blizz pre-post filter would let them fly.

…When did errant :poop: start getting called ideas?

Is this where everyone else points at the numerous references to you posting on a Retail character instead of, y’know, a WRATH character?

You really don’t have any right to say that until you post on a character that’s done those things. In fact 90% of what you post “You really shouldn’t have any opinions on” until you post on a character that’s done them.


I’m not the one bragging about my parses.

The non-algalon killing rogue was

Scroll up

Talent trees for 95% of the player base comes from the same 5 websites.

Vanilla. Cata. Retail. Doesn’t matter.

Barely anyone does anything to stray away from whatever some twitch player claimed is a meta today.

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There are shaman that can’t even hit 1600 arena rating, playing the conventional way you would expect them to.

Gaslighting others I see?

And why would they feel the need to bend to the will of the META?

Because then they won’t be accepted into the exclusive culture that is WoW raiding if they don’t…

As that moronic rogue above has threatened to report me for sabotage simply for showing up to a BG in my hybrid spec.


Are they doing the talent every 15 levels thing? I remember cata having talent points every level and the old talent trees with some junk removed from them. What is op talking about?

Never seen someone be this delusional about clearing a raid in a classic expansion. :rofl::rofl: :cloud_with_rain: Honestly sad. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I knew that rogue was a bad person thanks for confirming

I could not agree more. I’d love to say what I really think but I’d prefer not to have a forum vacation.

herp derp just a 5% increase… lol

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That was MoP.

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I like the trees. They reduced bloat and refocused the trees on being more actively useful, but you still had choices. Yes you were locked into your capstone but you never had to fully commit to any singular tree.

Cata is when they got condensed to a talent point every odd level. The trees still functioned the same (barring the new rule of having to put enough points into your chosen tree before you can put them into either of the others), we just get fewer points overall, and the compensation for this was combining several mandatory and boring talents such as stat increases so that each point would feel way more impactful

The 15 level talent spread wasn’t added until Pandaria

Incidentally, Cata is also when they removed spell ranks and instead gave every spell level scaling, so you would only ever need to train an ability once. So while you would get a talent every odd level, you would also learn a new ability or two most (but not all) even levels. And again it was Pandaria that removed ability training altogether and just gave you new abilities when you leveled up

This toon is retired.

And you’re still a moron and here’s why. I know you glossed over the 25 man, which is where this toon exclusively did gdkps, which again, are pugs.

My guild raided 10 man, a group of friends.

Average 87, BPA 96. Three 99s, and multiple close.

And another example of your exquisite intelligence, talking about “most people had algalon week 4”, which is outright wrong. Back to back week 3 and week 4 I have 99s on firefighter, which weren’t hard to get due to how few parses there even was for hard mode at the time, a required kill for Algalon.

I called you a blue parser because you’re posting on a forum alt, hiding yourself.

You’re a moron and a coward who got big mad that only other rolly polly rotund mouth breathers like yourself are tilted about talents, while the rest of us aren’t so brain damaged to be butthurt over condensed talents.

Never seen it.

I didn’t brag about mine. I was drawing a point about how you’re loud about your raid opinions while showing 0 indicator that you raid at all, AFTER, insulting me multiple times. Your literal first sentence to me is calling me a moron. You’re not going to pretend like I started this.

But I will finish it.

Because they’re bad. You should know everything about that.

Go run away again.

Blue parser detected, opinion rejected.


10 man parses BAHAHAHA

just when you can’t possibly get any lamer

  1. 2 Button Class
  2. Didn’t complete the raid
  3. Didn’t complete wotlk

And now….


Since you are the authority on wotlk I don’t gotta inform you that’s the easiest version of raiding buddy :rofl:

It is true though.

Pretty much all 4 you listed can be run by the same build.

Can be solved by duel spec and both of those things you listed can be ran by the same pvp build.

Once in a blue moon, I would adjust my talents. how many times I have done it throughout this expansion is 2.

Doesn’t make them a bad player though, throughout this expansion its been mostly set it and forget for me because I haven’t felt the need to constantly change my build.

Am I really a bad player when my Demo lock or destro lock build has been pretty much the same for PvE as it always has been since this expansion started?

Your playing a version of WoW that came out years prior.

Everything is solved, everything has been experimented to death via private servers.

We know which specs will dominate, we know which specs will be off meta.

Its not like a new expansion where everything is new and everyone is trying to experiment on who is the best, who is the middle of the pack and who is the losers.

Sounds like your agreeing with Noxranna’s point and also my point here

If your going to berate other people’s logs here, at least swap to your forum characters to your wrath classic main here (or post it if EU) first instead of hiding behind a level 10 character.

At least he actually plays the game, where as I dont know about you considering you are posting on a level 11 alt, disregarding opinions and berating their logs.

Imagine berating logs while posting on a level 11 alt with no trace of what your main is.

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Imagine bragging and then avoiding criticism

Scroll up and learn to read

Also being lazy and not changing your talent points isn’t the “gotcha” you think it is

You lazy weirdo