Are we really doing Cata trees again?

Sometimes it’s more beneficial for another class to bring it and with 30% buff kill times for good raids outpace the need for replenishment with the exception of sindragosa and lich king

Thanks for pretending to be smart :rofl:

Uh huh.

I have consistently proven to know what I’m talking about in regards to LKC raids. Feel free to check the old logs on this toon.

I would offer the same to you but unlike you I don’t have a retail alt that I :poop: post on.

So I’m just going to assume you’re blue parsing at best.

Which, blue parser detected, opinion invalidated.

Literally not needed in Cata.

“Wah I want hybrids to solo old content, here is my massive cope argument where I say people have a parse spec and a prog spec while telling others they don’t know what they’re talking about.”

You’re Wafectus 2.0



The 2 button class calling me a blue parser is beyond hilarious

I guess I struck a nerve with a bad rogue too

Such bad reading comprehension from you :point_down:

Read the whole paragraph.



Keep quoting yourself and giving yourself a trophy for spamming mutilate

You must feel so proud LOL

You’re having a mental breakdown because I said people progging aren’t parsing.

Half the posts in here is you having a mental breakdown because you can’t put 5 talent points into a square for 5% crit, instead needing to put 2 points in it for 5%.

Go lose your rolls.


1000% sure they make you expose armor because you are the least liked raid member

1000% sure you’re just seething because no one here agrees with you.

Calm down Wafectus.

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EA is falling off. Better press that button again if you want to keep your raid slot. The real melee dps need to parse🤣

Not really they’d still be largely the same

Again not really, there’s PvP talents within your trees that you’d never get rid of, granted they’ll be slight variation depending on your style but otherwise it’d again largely be the same.

Missing a talent in one thing say, Pyromaniac won’t make or break a fight. It’s player skill that’d make the difference.

Unless you can change your talents on the fly within an arena pre-match then yeah, you’d be running the same spec. I can’t imagine anyone willingly wanting to spend 50g every time they want to play a BG then an arena match within the same day.

  • Speed run, slight variation from “normal build” to favour AoE damage for trash (if applicable)

  • Progression, slight variation from “normal build” to favour survivability for bosses

  • Parse/GDKP, slight variation from “normal build” to favour single target damage

The differences in the build is still pretty much the same, you’d still take Focus Magic, Living Bomb, Combustion, Pyroblast, Torment the Weak for a Fire Mage. The slight variation is perhaps having Flame Throwing instead of 3 points in Student of the Mind so that you can be hitting LK during intermission.

Then you’d just make a build for that then never change because you’d be encountering them all the time correct?

I don’t really see the issue with Cataclysm’s talents, we already went to the bottom for pretty much all of the spec with the only one I can think of that didn’t was Preg Paladin so what’s the issue with Cata needing you to have 31 points in the tree to be able to branch out? Not being able to go 20/0/21?

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You aren’t worth me typing.

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I mean you are right kinda it’s slight changes but it’s still more than cataclysm allows and that doesn’t take into account dungeon soloing specs.

But the wrath talents still give you much more wiggle room than the cata ones and obviously its class specific

Also @Äpathy how are you flexing your ulduar logs without an algalon kill on a two button class. Whatever you are smoking I want some

Still more logs than you can flex. At least he plays the game.


Like again I’m not here bragging about my parses

The person without the algalon kill is telling us how good they were in phase 2 when they didn’t even kill every boss.

They volunteered this information and invited criticism.

Their opinions are invalid sorry

Yours are to, because you don’t play Wrath Classic. Sorry buddy.


If you say so. What a great counter argument. Seems like you are trolling tbh

You’ve been doing a lot of projecting today. Do you need help?


Yup I knew it definitely a troll. Go outside dude

“Someone called me out, they’re the troll!”

Literally everyone here has been saying you’re the troll. Maybe you should consider that you’re the problem.


Nah I just don’t agree with the snowflakes that don’t actually play the game and they scream “troll” because they don’t understand why the streamer talking points they memorized aren’t correct…

They don’t have actual thoughts and opinions about this stuff and it’s obvious if you dig a little deeper on literally anything.

There are a few good people in the thread that do

Rest are trolls or intellectually lazy and i can’t be bothered to make that distinction