Are we really doing Cata trees again?

“That’s not true! Here, here’s some evidence that that’s exactly true!”

The last patches of each expansion are no more a mystery to us than the first patches. Your talking points are just agreeing with me, I don’t understand what it is you’re trying to argue here

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Cataclysm talent pages was Blizzard quietly admitting that they couldn’t balance the game, and thus had to reduce customization. Less choices = easier to manage. Of course this means leveling is now more bland than ever, and that everyone will have the same build with little to no options for customization. If you view this as a necessary evil, so be it, but it didn’t need to destroy wrath to exist.

Cataclysm could have been its own game, and that would have made more sense since 1-60 is all new content anyway. I suggested this in my own thread, which will stand as a record of how cataclysm could have been done better.

Edit: This thread has become a good example of why you should block bottom feeders and stop answering them. They’re just going to keep coming back to post more drivel. They’re not going to listen to any reason or facts. They just want to argue over some foolishness.

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How obtuse are you?

Wotlk didn’t ever happen with ICC patch from the start. This time it did therefore it’s a different game.

The whole gargoyle snapshotting thing in WOTLK classic wasn’t a thing until ICC in original wrath etc.

Please learn more about the game you are playing

It’s fine though I know ur gonna type another talking point instead of you know actual facts

yeah cool stuff happens when people study the content for nearly 20 years and stack classes

I get the feeling you don’t actually understand the point you’re arguing against…

It’s funny I could say the same thing about you

Unholy gets necro strike. Lets goooooo

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Considering everything you’re saying only seems to support my original point, I would say you would be correct, I have no idea what point you’re trying to make

It means you’re wrong and I’m right gg thanks for playing

That’s not how discussions work but hey, you do you champ

Sad you are still on this conversation (that I won)

You won nothing. Still stands that your insistence that everyone else is an idiot shows so much about your intelligence.


Just ignore him, he doesn’t actually believe anything he says, he just says it because it gets him attention


As do many other people in this forum. If people actually bothered to report them, they’d all be gone quite quickly.

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You guys are so mad. Haven’t you ever heard of not being a sore loser


We don’t care . Make game good.ty! :cloud_with_rain: :sunglasses:

Unfortunately the other side of the equation is people who think “ha ha trol funny kekw ecks dee” that just let it slide by

Makes it hard to enjoy an actual discussion around here sometimes…

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It was an actual discussion I’m sorry being wrong bothers you so much I mean to be fair you didn’t contribute a lot


If they’re smart, they do.

Because running out of mana kills the abilities you need to use and Judgments of the Wise can only do so much?

Game, yes. RPG? That’s questionable.

I mean, Zealotry gets a shrug from me, but not because I think it’s useless, I just don’t want another button to hit. :stuck_out_tongue:

This has ZERO relevance to anything happening here.

I don’t think Arcane takes Arcane Barrage; there’s one build on Wowhead that does, another that can drop it if need be, and a third that doesn’t bother since all it really does is let you drop the Blast stacks while moving instead of being stuck with Arcane Missiles.

It’s really only situationally useful, as compared to DIVINE STORM for Ret, Living Bomb for Fire Mage, or either Bladestorm or Titan’s Grip for Warriors.

I meant “I don’t follow a guide, instead going off of what I think seems worthwhile for what I’m trying to do.” Otherwise, I do agree, since my weird profession-100%ing rep-grinding self shouldn’t be the mold for anything in terms of major game design choices. :smiley:

It’s another reason I don’t really bother with endgame stuff past Heroic dungeons. :stuck_out_tongue:

That really is the key. The meme specs are for raiding or end game pvp. I use the meme specs on characters that raid. I have specialized specs for non raiding alts. For example I have what I call a pickpocket rogue. I spend most of my time stealthing around and pickpocketing everything before I kill it. I take all the talents that enhance stealth, that are wasted points in raiding. And since my ambush crits so often and is so powerful I don’t enhance dots that are so useful in raids. I don’t take the final talent in the sub tree.

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