They DO punish those that derail it. They just deleted the thread to stop it from continuing to happen. Most likely anyone that participated in the derailing got a forum vacation. If the original poster of the thread did not get a vacation, that means they did nothing wrong.
They only delete posts because 40 year olds with egos of 12 year olds flag and cry. I’ve been here long enough to know how it goes
But if thats the case, then why are post like “Are you a Bot?” or “I got the Thing, you know the thing” still up then? Why isn’t their a filter to prevent the post from being made in the first place?
well that trash lie just earned you a permanent ignore.
Blizzard is that worried a joke might make one of the twenty people still playing leave. it’s 5% of their business.
Because WoW is full of bots and things.
if there is one thing we can say with 100% certainty it’s that blizzard, when they eventually do get around to moderating, is wildly unequal with it’s moderation.
Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. The only time you’ll see sanctions go out for threads that are deleted is if they were locked or locked/unlisted first, then deleted later.
Mods seem to not want to deal with the poo storms and just delete because it’s easier.
That’s on me, I set the bar too low for that lol
I think if you even click “report” you should be on a public list.
punish as in action…suspend.
What they do is punish the OP who hasnt done anything wrong and let the violators go free to do it again and again.
I know…Ive been watching threads be deleted in here for goiing on 7 years now that contained no violations at all, but were derailed by the mob.
I get that mods dont have the time to clean up a thread, but SUSPEND the ones who literally admit to derailing it TO derail it for god sake.
they dont.
Absolutley agree.
They show me who upvotes…show us all who flags.
That way we know who is falsely flagging and can put them on ignore and have nothing to do with them at all.
You realize you’re derailing it, right?
Sounds on topic to me.
They are sadly weren’t allowed to begin with, considering my My April Fools thread back in 2018 was taken down.
That is up to the mods. If you had backwards or upside down lettering that would just add one more layer on it. heh. They don’t like that. They really can’t come up with a filter to determine if something is about WoW or not though. It would be super easy to trick, and not very effective.
Just don’t worry about it if you did not get a suspension. Just realize that if you do post an off topic thread, esp with odd symbols/language, the mods just might remove it.
It is also against the rules to post about deleted threads. I think you meant this thread in an honest attempt to seek information on policy though, not to violate rules.
lmao…whats this thread about son? threads being flagged for bogus reasons.
I am spot on target…
7 years now.
Mm. And Talonel didn’t trip any red flags for you in the last few?
Edit: If you’ve been watching for that long… Surely you’ll have seen specific people, and remember the more unpleasant events?
Just sad.
At a point you cant even blame the 4 year old for burning down the house when it was the adult who handed him the match book. You have to blame the person who set up the enviroment that caused it all because they should have known what would happen.
no…because unlike your group I dontstalk people around trying to derail their threads because they said something a year ago.
we done here?