Made a little post last night joking about my key input being messed up and causing me to type backwards/upside down, sᴉɥʇ ǝʞᴉ˥. Looked this morning and saw it got flagged as spam, and now this afternoon it was removed. Guessing joke threads aren’t allowed anymore?
they were never really allowed, they just weren’t reported as often.
Well, you didn’t get a forum vacation for it, so take that as a win!
just went thru this in another thread…until moderation gets serious about flag abuses and gets a certain group of false flaggers out of here, dont expect this forum to be anything worthy of your time or interest.
Youd do better in the comment sections over at wowhead to be honest.
You weren’t sanctioned for it, meaning the issue wasn’t with you— it was with those who derailed it and they didn’t want it to devolve again if they deleted posts. Easier to just delete the thread.
I think they generally don’t like thread titles with weird characters or other attempts to catch attention like that.
Yeah I think if the actual thread itself had the backwards text and not the title, it’d be fine.
But I get that kinda messes with the joke
Yeah… I wonder if that has anything to do with some sort of “we want it to look more structured than it really is.” lol
Interesting idea though…dont punish the ones derailing it, like earlier today where two or three of them literally bragging they were derailing a thread…so they are encouraged to do it any time they want…then you make a thread they dont like and they just derail it to get it 404’ed.
Dont know whether thats petulance, childishness…or what to call it, exactly.
You’re not paranoid, Rahkeetahp, they really are all out to get you.
Yeah… got a month ban after a “Removed” in the title on a thread about a 15 year old bug they haven’t fixed.
Note: If you were suspended for something, is it a great idea to use the same words in another post?
Well… yeah that’s pretty explicitly against the TOS
Ohwell long gone are the days of Alamoo and the Warlock guy obsessed with staves. Guess I just stick to readin post instead of actually posting.
Yep. Seen it happen quite a few times.
Probably looking at another one for repeating the 2 words that got you banned earlier
The thread he’s referring to was a Talonel thread, so well worth derailing
Sadly…here…because of moderation…thats your best bet.
The second I find a WoW forum thats as busy as this one Im removing all bookmarks to this hole and never reading or posting here again.
problem is other forums are a lot less busy.
The fact that they were bragging about derailing it while the OP hadnt broken any rules…like the OP here likely hadnt either…and the trolls get away with derailing it…brag about it and moderation turns a blind eye…and we’re expected to have any respect for this forum ? lol
Clearly the ones trolling moderation with their derailing and bragging about it dont have any respect for this forum, its members or moderation. Far as I can tell they think they own the place…
So to you, OP, yeah…youre better off either just reading or finding an actual forum with more maturity, Id say
Joke threads are my whole deal so… I hope they are still allowed lol
this explains so very much