Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on

No. They didn’t. I read the discussion. You didn’t correct them. You said:

It’s not transphobic. It’s simply not understanding which pronouns to use. Just because someone doesn’t know, doesn’t make them transphobic.

Your attitude needs an adjustment. No one is against you. Stop immediately pulling the “transphobic” card. Teach people. Nicely.


No, just repeated references to me by not my post name or a gender neutral term. Instead you chose to call me something derogatory. You’re the one that brought it up in the first place, if it had no place in the topic then why would you bring it up? Entirely on you, and still up to you to correct it.

Ah, you even quoted it. I did.

It is transphobic to refer to a trans person as ‘it’. It’s derogatory, and dehumanizing.

They used it more than once, and they would know better than to call someone something dehumanizing. The fact you don’t, I guess makes you a Gamer.

Seems yours does? Maybe some further education on matters you don’t fully understand?

You have been plenty, as have they. You chose to target me instead of them over a dehumanizing insult.

Take your own advice, sometime, “Rules for thee but not for me” Rhielle.

Wonder how many times you’re gonna say that one too?

Yeah, I’ll bite one last time to see if you’ll finally open up your mind.

Wrong. You said:

That isn’t anywhere near saying, “I would like to be referred to as.” So no, you did NOT tell them your preference.

Someone who doesn’t know how pronouns work doesn’t know that. Not knowing is not being transphobic.

My attitude is just fine. I know howmto politely teach people about things and correct them. You automatically jump to “transphobic.”

Ironic. I just did by trying to teach you. Yet you once again went the hostile route as always.

Definitely always you. Take a step back and reevaluate yourself.

Just once. I don’t need to say it again. But thanks for once again proving.your incapable of a discussion without immediately going hostile or snarky.

I agree with you on some topics and disagree on others. But the moment you try to pull the “transphobic” drama for zero reason, I will absolutely point it out.

Please enjoy being disrespectful some more.

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Actually, I said…

Notice no bold text and all that? Previous correction to them stated gender neutral, that’d be the second time.

Again, more advice you’re trying to give others without doing it yourself. “Rules for thee but not for me” Rhielle indeed.

Everyone knows that, I don’t know ANYONE that refers to anyone as “It” except meant as a derogatory.

It is if they continue to be after being corrected, just like you are continuing to argue with it.

Clearly not, you’ve been rude and snarky every interaction with me. Curious, that.

I taught you, and you refused to be taught. On you.

After the other person was, just like my interactions with you.

isn’t it? Can’t follow your own advice.

I have some advice from you.

“Rules for thee and not for me” Rhielle.

Clearly not, couldn’t take your own advice again~ Woops

Should stop rage posting, leads to a lot of typos!

Someone referring to me by a dehumanizing term, intentionally, more than once where they never corrected after being told more than once? Yeah, they definitely are. As are you.

Is that the only advice from yourself you take to heart? :3

Are you sure about that? I know it scales with LEVEL (from 48-60) but I’m not sure about with iLvL.

It has scaled with your ilvl since Broken Shore, when people found out they were more powerful against mobs if they took off their ring. They could see the mob HP+dmg go down when they took off the ring.

Since then Blizzard has made it calculated by your ilvl even if it’s not equipped, IE in your bank or void storage, etc along with other work-arounds to avoid people just unequipping their least valuable gear to kill world stuff faster.

I dunno OP if only there was going to be a new content patch with a lot of solo content like exploring, questing, and doing anything that isn’t a lobby game like CoD.

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So world quests are hard enough that they should award more gear than they currently offer? Having read some of your responses, I’m sure that you really understand how some group content works at the higher levels. Having a significant portion of your raid die early on a fight is going to be a wipe. Keys scale forever and gear doesn’t. The best players in the world can only push so far.

If the raid truly required that specific ilvl, either DPS or HPS, in order to get a kill everyone would have to be alive the entire duration. Otherwise, it can be killed with a lower overall ilvl with everyone alive. You see what I’m getting at?

People say that, and yet time goes on and people get further when the content is re-released.

Gear doesn’t stop people from dying. And…keys scale infinitely. They don’t scale to your ilvl. You seem to be confused about that.

It can, and does? Otherwise why would ‘the best raiders’ push for so much gear to avoid dying and such?

Yes, they do. Which means the best PvE gear should come from there following your own logic.

World content does.

You seem to be confused about that.

In raids, you have to do the mechanics. You’ll die if you don’t, regardless of how much gear you have. And I’d be fine if the best gear came from keys. It nearly does already with the added benefit of being far more efficient.

You can live through some mechanics with gear, IE not one shot or live by 100 health until you get a heal. Allow for an extra few casts of a heal, allow for more DPS to kill the boss etc.

Again, not true. Hence why raids become so much easier further patches down the line and it allows you to ignore/skip certain mechanics. More gear also allows you to take more focus onto doing said mechanics as you don’t have to worry about hitting a certain threshold of dmg/heals as much.

Yes, legacy raids are easier.

he’s not fully wrong. Raid do get easier w/ the more gear you have. You’ll be able to be able to power thru certain mechanics because you tanks are tankier, dps do more dps and heals do more healing.

Ofcourse SoD doesn’t count. Some reason this is the only raid I’ve been that it becomes more harder the more dps you have because skipping certain mechanics are bad (I’m looking at SoD in the mythic level)

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I didn’t say legacy, legacy would imply being a certain threshold of levels ahead. I forget what it is now with the level squish, it’s all weird but again I specifically stated further patches down the line, not expansions.

You can either completely ignore some mechanics a patch later, or they’re not so ‘make or break’ if you get them wrong.

He’s arguing that legacy raids are easier than the current ones lol. Well…obviously. Gear certainly helps when groups are barely passing dps checks. This idea that you can just skip all the mechanics wouldn’t be true unless you were going pretty far back.

Take a fully geared 250 mythic Raider and have them go enter Normal Castle Nathria and have them go afk for 2 minutes.

By your declaration, the gear since it is considerably better should make it so I can check in 2 minutes later and be alive?

Gear does not stop you from dying. Gear helps you withstand things that could and would potentially kill you.

There’s a lot of solo content in 9.2. Will you people give it a rest already?

assuming this is a typo? Because legacy raids are easier than current one if you look at it as we have our current gear.

yea that’s pretty dumb. You can probably skip a mechanic here and there but definitely can’t skip all mechanics in current raid.

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