Are all casual solo players supposed to quit on

Choosing not to raid doesn’t mean they’re not able to clear said raid.

I don’t raid often, usually jump into an AoTC group about once a tier, and if I don’t get around to it, doesn’t mean I’m not able to clear it.

Should probably quote people correctly, yeah? Since you wanted to throw a fit about that too. I mentioned that they made the Community Council program NA only, so clearly that means they only really consider the feedback from the NA forums in regards to that and likely other things. (Which btw, is the entire reason for GD. Feedback, even GMs will direct you to GD.) So moving to posting to NA is better.

This was after both you and another user claimed “I play an entirely different game” Than you and them, so therefore I shouldn’t have any say/don’t know what I’m talking about when I have been raiding (Going off your char sheets) Far longer than either of you. :wink:

Mask off, I see? Transphobia ahoy, not surprising.

Technically, high rated PvP and very high m+ Keys on time would be considered the ‘hardest content’ because as it is, no one’s cleared the 'highest possible level of m+ should reward the highest ilvl gear following your statement.

Usually not, especially not on an individual level. I can straight up buy a run through M SoD right now. Does that mean I put forth all the effort and deserve that gear? Is it ‘truly’ so hard that they can afford to ‘carry’ 2-5 people or more (Depending how late in the tier) in a raid group? Clearly they don’t need that gear to kill the boss if they can afford to bring along someone that carries tend to want to die so they don’t kill them with mechanics.

And yet not all of that gear was BoP when crafted. In BC I could run dailies and buy raid equivalent pieces.

Getting Normal raid ilevel doesn’t bother me. I support the open world tier set we got in 9.0 and Korthia in 9.1. So nope, it doesn’t bother me to get what they’ve been giving me.

You seem to be under some poor assumption that I’m asking for something more than we’ve been getting. I’m not.

You’re the one making stuff up about how my Normal raid level gear that I just finished a month ago affects your raid runs. LOL

You also told us that Vanilla didn’t need groups to complete content.

It’s not Transphobic, it’s a gender neutral term.


Then why are you here, exactly?

Oh don’t get so dramatic. You always pull this crap over what people don’t understand about you personally. Either put your pronouns at the end of your posts or politely correct people. Don’t automatically jump to “transphobia” every time someone uses something because you didn’t tell them.

Those things don’t have an end rating, so yeah, they would technically be more difficult. Keys become impossible at some point. Frankly, I wouldn’t care if keys awarded higher gear than raiding. Once you hit a certain ilvl, the few slots that are a handful of levels higher don’t really make that much of a difference. At that point, you can either do it or you can’t.

They need the gear if they’re going to cover the dps loss from carrying 5 people. Those numbers need to be made up somehow. You wouldn’t be able to carry 5 people in the gear you were wearing on your first kill.

Your point was made moot.

Literally been in here defending what we get since the moment I started posting. How about you read and comprehend that before making bad assumptions?

You and half the elitists in here jumped down my throat when I’ve been saying from the start what we have is fine.

You’re the one that got all uppity about “no one should have group content ilevel outside of group content.”

From the very beginning of our conversation I specif said Korthia was great and the other solo gearing path was great.

If you’re not capable of having multiple conversations at once, then don’t.

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As usual false. I’m specifically stating that casuals partake in all sorts of content from low to high end :+1:

I never once said solo players shouldn’t play the game. If that’s something you enjoy go for it. I only take issue when solo players want special treatment and have the devs cater to them.

I don’t have any issues. I’m also not the one complaining.

More incorrect assumptions. You’re 0 for 2 tonight.

Actually people who do nothing but complain. Hate the game.

No, it wasn’t.

This is true.

I did not? I believe my statement was in response to someone stating that Vanilla was all about ‘raiding only’ and I talked about the stats of how many people actually raided then and how many were more solo players than raiders.

Nope, calling someone ‘it’ is an attempt at dehumanizing often done towards trans people to avoid calling them correct pronouns or referring to people by gender neutral.

They continually referred to me by different genders, when using something gender neutral or referring to someone by their posting name is completely an option.

Oh I did, and then they decided calling someone ‘it’ was okay.

They didn’t ask, either did they? They Referred to me as different versions, and then ‘it’ Rhielle “Rules for thee but not for me.”

How so? People are always pushing despite being at max ilvl and eventually clearing them on time.

Yes, usually a lower ilvl than mythic drops is needed to clear mythic.

Then they don’t need that gear when actually raiding the first time? Your entire point was that world content can be done with lower ilvl gear, therefore the gear ilvl dropped there should be low. Same logic can apply to raids. I can complete a raid with an ilvl of 0. Mythic should be all about the cosmetic recolors, tbh.

Curiously, you’re not wearing group content gear yourself, and it appears it’s higher ilvl than dungeon heroics.

They/Them is gender neutral, calling someone “it” is not, it’s dehumanizing as I’ve already explained. You should probably learn your lesson sooner rather than later, these days.

It’s a gender-neutral term.

Because m+ scales infinitely. You’ll never see anyone time a +40. It wouldn’t even be possible to complete a key that high.

No, my argument is that it awards gear that is consistent with the challenge. You can’t carry 5 people through mythic in the gear that you used to clear it the first time. You wouldn’t be able to make up the dps loss unless you continued gearing up the people doing the carry.

Yep. Because if I could get that gear from dailies in the past or running a low level dungeon and buying it or having a world quest that forged it that high or be rewarded from quests with it or from running months of dailies… you point is absolutely rendered moot.

So once more: me getting a Normal ilevel months after you’ve cleared Heroic raids does not affect you.

End of discussion.

Then you politely correct them instead of immediately going for the drama route.

This is on you and nothing they said was transphobic.

As does world content, it scales with your ilvl. :wink:

It’s entirely possible, in the future. People on pservers have. Though, I guess +34 should be the end-goal for now?

Clearly not the case in terms of individual challenge level or skill.

How many people usually die on a first M+ Kill, sometimes early on? Would that be considered a carry? In M+ kills is everyone always alive throughout the entire encounter? Nope…

Not the case, as is proven on re-releases of content later on. People do it in lower ilvl than the wfirst ones do.

Did once, they decided to go the drama route by being transphobic. Not me.

Yes actually, it is. You’re free to go call any transgender person that in a discord server owned by them and see how far it gets you, let alone somewhere like twitter. But hey, this is the ‘gamer website’ isn’t it? Usually at least 10 years behind.

It’s not gender-nuetral. They is. It references to things that are not living. That can be interpreted as an insult.

They is plural, not singular. Please do not derail the thread with incorrect word usage for a completely different topic.

xe is more singular. They can be used as singular.

“Did Erythrae go to the park? Indeed they did.”

You’re the one that tried to derail the thread talking about what I said in another thread and trying to refer to me by another gender back and forth, and then refused to be corrected in any way.

It’s also shameful that a non-native English speaker apparently knows more about the English language than you do, I hope you’re non-native but I have a feeling a non-native speaker wouldn’t be so adamant on such things.

That may be true but world content scaling is slower than ilvl scaling. The more scaled world content is, the easier it is to complete. The more difficult M+ content is, the more difficult it is to complete.

You’re freaking out about a typo and trying to assert something completely irrelevant to the topic.